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scorio Editor Control Samples

Examples of viewing, editing, and playing back music scores in web browsers and apps.

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Basic steps to embed a scorio Editor Control into a web page

Include the scorio Editor Control JavaScriprt API into the page

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

Create an empty html element wrapping the control

<div id='scorio-editor-control-wrapper'></div>

Create an instance of the control (you could put several controls on a page)

const control = new ScorioEditorControl();

Bring the control to life within the wrapping HTML element

const wrapper = document.getElementById('scorio-editor-control-wrapper');
const musicxml = null;
const options = new Object();
options.height = 500;
await, musicxml, options)
   	     .then(ev => {   ... control is ready, do what ever you want to ...   })
	     .catch(err => window.alert(err));

ScorioEditorControl API Functions

Including <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> into a web page will define the JavaScript object ScorioEditorControl.

new ScorioEditorControl()
	Create a new instance. Multiple instances can created for a single web page.
	Nothing appears on screen until open() has been called.
open(element, musicxml, options)
	Open the editor control contained in an iFrame within element in DOM.
		element 	The DOM element, e.g. a DIV the editor control's iFrame will live in
	musicxml 	The initial score the editor will display
	options		Selected options to configure the editor's appearance and functionality
	return          promise for Editor Control Event

	Close editor control and remove it from DOM

	Set the editor controls's score to musciXml
	musicXml	A MusicXML score
  		return      	promise for Editor Control Event

	Get the editor controls's current score (as modified by a user) as MusicXML
	return		promise for Editor Control Event

	Get an URL to a PDF document rendering the editor control's current score
	return      promise for Editor Control Event

	Play base 64 encoded standard MIDI file from string midiDataUrl

            This variable can be set to a callback function(ev) where ev will be an
            Editor Control Event. The callback will be called any time the score has
            been changed, e.g. by user actions. 
            ev.musicxml will contain the current score

Editor Control Event
	A resolved promise will return an editor control event. Type and errormessage are 
	mandatory, other fields are optional, depending on the type
		type:         	<String with event type>
		errormessage: 	<String with error message>
		musicxml: 	<String with MusicXML score>,
		pdfurl:   	<String with URL to PDF with rendering of score>


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