This repository contains scripts and documentation for filtering variant call format (VCF) files to identify rare genetic variants in genes of interest using a streamlined bash script,
script performs the following steps:
- Extract Genes of Interest: Uses
snpEff genes2bed
to produce a BED file containing the genes of interest. - Sort BED File: Sorts the generated BED file.
- Modify BED File: Adds "chr" prefix to the entries in the BED file if
is set to true. - Extract Variants: Uses
to extract the variants in the BED file from the VCF. - Filter for Rare Variants: Uses
to filter for rare variants based on the provided filter string. - Extract Fields of Interest: Uses
again to extract the specified fields of interest. - Modify Header: Removes the "ANN[0]" and "GEN[*]" prefixes from the header.
- Replace GT Values: Uses
to replace the GT values with the sample names. - Save Output: Saves the output to a specified file.
Example of the shell pipeline the script is composing:
snpEff genes2bed GRCh38.mane.1.0.refseq OFD1 | sortBed | awk '{print "chr"$0}' | bcftools view ann.dbnsfp.vcf.gz -R - | SnpSift -Xmx8g filter " (( dbNSFP_gnomAD_exomes_AC[0] <= 2 ) | ( na dbNSFP_gnomAD_exomes_AC[0] )) & ((ANN[ANY].IMPACT has 'HIGH') | (ANN[ANY].IMPACT has 'MODERATE')) " | SnpSift -Xmx4g extractFields -s "," -e "NA" - CHROM POS REF ALT ID QUAL AC ANN[0].GENE ANN[0].FEATUREID ANN[0].EFFECT ANN[0].IMPACT ANN[0].HGVS_C ANN[0].HGVS_P dbNSFP_SIFT_pred dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HDIV_pred dbNSFP_MutationTaster_pred dbNSFP_CADD_phred dbNSFP_gnomAD_exomes_AC dbNSFP_gnomAD_genomes_AC dbNSFP_ALFA_Total_AC GEN[*].GT | sed -e '1s/ANN\[0\]\.//g; s/GEN\[\*\]\.//g' | ./ samples.txt 21 > OFD1_rare_variants.GCKD.tsv
./ [--config config_file] <gene_name> <vcf_file_location> [reference] [add_chr] [filters] [fields_to_extract] [sample_file] [replace_script_location] [output_file]
--config config_file
: (Optional) The path to the configuration file containing default values for parameters.gene_name
: The name of the gene of interest, e.g., "BICC1".vcf_file_location
: The location of the VCF file.reference
: (Optional, default: "GRCh38.mane.1.0.refseq") The reference to use.add_chr
: (Optional, default: true) Whether or not to add "chr" to the chromosome name. Use "true" or "false".filters
: (Optional, default: Filters for rare and moderate/high impact variants) The filters to apply.fields_to_extract
: (Optional, default: Various fields including gene info, predictions, allele counts) The fields to extract.sample_file
: (Optional, default: "samples.txt") The path to the file containing the sample values to use for replacement.replace_script_location
: (Optional, default: "./") The location of
: (Optional) Additional options to pass to
script. This can be used to append genotype values to sample names for non-"0/0" genotypes.output_file
: (Optional, default: "variants.tsv") The name of the output file.
The script allows users to provide a configuration file containing default values for parameters. The configuration file is sourced if provided, and the values specified in it are used as defaults.
Example of a configuration file:
filters=(( dbNSFP_gnomAD_exomes_AC[0] <= 2 ) | ( na dbNSFP_gnomAD_exomes_AC[0] )) & ((ANN[ANY].IMPACT has 'HIGH') | (ANN[ANY].IMPACT has 'MODERATE'))
fields_to_extract=CHROM POS REF ALT ID QUAL AC ANN[0].GENE ANN[0].FEATUREID ANN[0].EFFECT ANN[0].IMPACT ANN[0].HGVS_C ANN[0].HGVS_P dbNSFP_SIFT_pred dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HDIV_pred dbNSFP_MutationTaster_pred dbNSFP_CADD_phred dbNSFP_gnomAD_exomes_AC dbNSFP_gnomAD_genomes_AC dbNSFP_ALFA_Total_AC GEN[*].GT
To generate the sample file from a multi-sample VCF, you can use the following command:
bcftools view -h /path/to/your_multi_sample.vcf.gz | awk -F' ' '{ for (i=10; i<=NF; ++i) printf "%s%s", $i, (i==NF ? RS : ",") }' > /path/to/samplefile.txt
- GNU Awk 4.2.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 3.1.6-p2, GNU MP 6.1.2)
- GNU bash, version 4.4.20(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
- bcftools 1.17
- snpEff version SnpEff 5.1d (build 2022-04-19 15:49)
- SnpSift version 5.1d (build 2022-04-19 15:50)