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@sailingteam4 sailingteam4 released this 24 Feb 10:30
· 1 commit to main since this release

Discord Minecraft Stats Bot

This is a Discord bot that can get stats of players on a Minecraft server. The bot has several commands to retrieve stats for different categories such as time played, distance traveled, and items crafted.


To use this bot, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Install Python 3.6 or above
  2. Clone the repo git clone
  3. Install the required dependencies you can do that with pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set up a Discord bot and obtain its token
  5. Set up a .env file with the following environment variables:
    • DISCORD_TOKEN - the bot token
    • HOST - the Minecraft server host
    • USER - the SFTP user for the Minecraft server
    • PASS - the SFTP password for the Minecraft server
    • PORT - the SFTP port for the Minecraft server
  6. Run the file


The following commands are available:

  • /time <pseudo> - get the time played by a player
  • /jump <pseudo> - get the number of jumps made by a player
  • /bell <pseudo> - get the number of bells rung by a player
  • /mined <pseudo> - get the number of blocks mined by a player
  • /dead <pseudo> - get the number of deaths of a player
  • /distance <pseudo> - get the distance traveled by a player in kilometers
  • /broke <pseudo> - get the number of tools broken by a player
  • /killed <pseudo> - get the number of monsters killed by a player
  • /crafted <pseudo> - get the number of items crafted by a player

Replace <pseudo> with the Minecraft username of the player you want to retrieve the stats for.

  • /card <pseudo> - get a card of all the statistics of a player

  • /timeld - display the players time leaderboard

  • /jumpld - display the players jump leaderboard

  • It's the same for the other commands bellld, brokenld, distanceld, minedld, deadld, killedld and craftedld

If you have any ideas, feel free to suggest modifications