AgniKit is the unofficial Swift SDK for the Firecrawl API for Firecrawl's web scraping and crawling capabilities into your Swift projects for prototyping and development!
Agni (अग्नि) is the Sanskrit word for "fire" for the "fire" theme of Firecrawl. In Hindu mythology, Agni is also the god of fire, representing power and purification.
Find the quickstart of Firecrawl here: Quickstart
- One line Swift APIs for Firecrawl API
- Support for scraping, crawling, and mapping
Add the following to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
import AgniKit
let agniKit = AgniKit(apiKey: "your-api-key")
do {
let result = try await agniKit.scrape(url: "")
} catch {
print("Error: \(error)")
let result = try await agniKit.scrape(
url: "",
formats: ["markdown", "html"],
onlyMainContent: true,
includeTags: ["p", "h1", "h2"],
excludeTags: ["script", "style"],
timeout: 60000
let crawlJob = try await agniKit.crawl(
url: "",
maxDepth: 3,
limit: 100,
allowExternalLinks: false,
scrapeOptions: ["formats": ["markdown"]]
print("Crawl job started: \(crawlJob)")
// Check crawl status
let status = try await agniKit.getCrawlStatus(id: crawlJob["id"] as! String)
print("Crawl status: \(status)")
let mapResult = try await
url: "",
search: "product",
includeSubdomains: true,
limit: 1000
print("Mapped links: \(mapResult["links"] as! [String])")
let cancelResult = try await agniKit.cancelCrawl(id: "crawl-job-id")
print("Crawl job canceled: \(cancelResult)")
Contributions are more than welcome! I hope you submit a Pull Request!
AgniKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
AgniKit is not officially associated with Firecrawl. It is aimed for me to learn about its APIs and provide developers easy way to Firecrawl.