#HowTo Version Control/Git
For this co-work/help session, you will need to have the following software installed on your laptop BEFORE the workshop:
- Git (and a Git client, if you need a GUI verstion to interact with Git/GitHub ~ GitHub Desktop)
- R and RStudio
- Additionally, you will need to register for a GitHub account. Please see instructions below for setting up your laptop for the workshop.
- Create an account on GitHub https://github.com using the Sign up for GitHub form on the right side of the page.
- Check if this worked: go to https://github.com and signin.
See Jenny Bryan’s HappyGitwithR installation instructions here for Windows/Mac/Linux OS: https://happygitwithr.com/install-git.html. Mac Users Note: the command line application is called Terminal. Open finder and type “Terminal.”
We will use GitHub Desktop for this session. Please see installation instructions here: https://desktop.github.com/
See instructions here
- Git Novice from Software Carpentry
- Happy Git and GitHub for the UseR
- Other useful Git/GitHub resources
- Post in R-Ladies East Lansing Slack
- Channels: #howto-vc & #2020-git channels
- New to Slack? Sign up with your msu.edu email ID.
- Zoom link (Meeting ID: 460485077)
- RSVP on Meetup
- Other questions? Email [email protected]