Assume you've installed node
and npm
, and downloaded the source code:
$ cd web-client/
$ npm install # install the dependencies, only needed for the first time
## run a development server on your local machine:
$ npx webpack serve # this will automatically reload the server after any file modifications
## then visit the webpage at:
## http://localhost:8080
- display the information of each protrusion in a proper way/interactive design
- auto-deploy script added
- visualize edges for convex hull (and thus co-insertables), related to #3
- re-calculate for user selected sequence/chains, related to #2
- support download of domains from CATH, #1
- update logo, name (PePr^2Vis), and page layout
- add neighborhood information
- add PePr^2DS beta version
- more features/optmization for PePr^2DS: issue #5
- choose a license
- migrate website URL (to affiliated institute domain)
- Environment set-up for running python API (contributed by Thibault Tubiana)
$ conda env create -f peprmint-web_conda_env.txt # on Mac
- the nice PePrMInt logo is credited to: Emmanuel Moutoussamy