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remove/replace all remain caml_* primitives
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cometkim committed Sep 10, 2024
1 parent d89201e commit 1ffebf9
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Showing 70 changed files with 625 additions and 701 deletions.
38 changes: 16 additions & 22 deletions jscomp/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -793,18 +793,6 @@ let rec float_equal ?comment (e0 : t) (e1 : t) : t =

let int_equal = float_equal

let string_equal ?comment (e0 : t) (e1 : t) : t =
let default () : t = { expression_desc = Bin (EqEqEq, e0, e1); comment } in
match (e0.expression_desc, e1.expression_desc) with
| Str { txt = a0; delim = d0 }, Str { txt = a1; delim = d1 } when d0 = d1 ->
(match str_equal a0 d0 a1 d1 with
| Some b -> bool b
| None -> default ())
| _, _ -> default ()

let is_type_number ?comment (e : t) : t =
string_equal ?comment (typeof e) (str "number")

let tag_type = function
| Ast_untagged_variants.String s -> str s ~delim:DStarJ
| Int i -> small_int i
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -853,11 +841,6 @@ let is_int_tag ?has_null_undefined_other e =
let check = Ast_untagged_variants.DynamicChecks.is_int_tag ?has_null_undefined_other (Expr e) in
emit_check check

let is_type_string ?comment (e : t) : t =
string_equal ?comment (typeof e) (str "string")

let is_type_object (e : t) : t = string_equal (typeof e) (str "object")

(* we are calling [Caml_primitive.primitive_name], since it's under our
control, we should make it follow the javascript name convention, and
call plain [dot]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -904,15 +887,26 @@ let to_int32 ?comment (e : J.expression) : J.expression =
int32_bor ?comment e zero_int_literal
(* TODO: if we already know the input is int32, [x|0] can be reduced into [x] *)

let string_comp (cmp : J.binop) ?comment (e0 : t) (e1 : t) =
let string_comp (cmp : Lam_compat.comparison) ?comment (e0 : t) (e1 : t) =
match (e0.expression_desc, e1.expression_desc) with
| Str { txt = a0; delim = d0 }, Str { txt = a1; delim = d1 } -> (
match cmp, str_equal a0 d0 a1 d1 with
| EqEqEq, Some b -> bool b
| NotEqEq, Some b -> bool (b = false)
| Ceq, Some b -> bool b
| Cneq, Some b -> bool (b = false)
| _ ->
bin ?comment cmp e0 e1)
| _ -> bin ?comment cmp e0 e1
bin ?comment (Lam_compile_util.jsop_of_comp cmp) e0 e1)
| _ -> bin ?comment (Lam_compile_util.jsop_of_comp cmp) e0 e1

let string_equal ?comment (e0 : t) (e1 : t) : t =
string_comp Ceq ?comment e0 e1

let is_type_number ?comment (e : t) : t =
string_equal ?comment (typeof e) (str "number")

let is_type_string ?comment (e : t) : t =
string_equal ?comment (typeof e) (str "string")

let is_type_object (e : t) : t = string_equal (typeof e) (str "object")

let obj_length ?comment e : t =
to_int32 { expression_desc = Length (e, Caml_block); comment }
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion jscomp/core/js_exp_make.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ val int_comp : Lam_compat.comparison -> ?comment:string -> t -> t -> t

val bool_comp : Lam_compat.comparison -> ?comment:string -> t -> t -> t

val string_comp : Js_op.binop -> ?comment:string -> t -> t -> t
val string_comp : Lam_compat.comparison -> ?comment:string -> t -> t -> t

val float_comp : Lam_compat.comparison -> ?comment:string -> t -> t -> t

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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions jscomp/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -581,9 +581,13 @@ let has_boolean_type (x : t) =
| Lprim
primitive =
( Pnot | Psequand | Psequor | Pisout _ | Pintcomp _ | Pis_not_none
( Pnot | Psequand | Psequor | Pisout _ | Pis_not_none
| Pobjcomp _
| Pboolcomp _
| Pintcomp _
| Pfloatcomp _
| Pccall { prim_name = "caml_string_equal" | "caml_string_notequal" }
| Pbigintcomp _
| Pstringcomp _
} ->
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions jscomp/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,9 +64,12 @@ let rec no_side_effects (lam : Lam.t) : bool =
| Pfield _ | Pval_from_option | Pval_from_option_not_nest
(* NOP The compiler already [t option] is the same as t *)
| Pduprecord
(* generic primitives *)
| Pobjcomp _
| Pobjorder | Pobjmin | Pobjmax
(* bool primitives *)
| Psequand | Psequor | Pnot
| Pboolorder | Pboolmin | Pboolmax
| Pboolcomp _ | Pboolorder | Pboolmin | Pboolmax
(* int primitives *)
| Pnegint | Paddint | Psubint | Pmulint | Pandint | Porint | Pxorint
| Plslint | Plsrint | Pasrint | Pintcomp _
Expand All @@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ let rec no_side_effects (lam : Lam.t) : bool =
| Pbigintcomp _ | Pbigintorder | Pbigintmin | Pbigintmax
(* string primitives *)
| Pstringlength | Pstringrefu | Pstringrefs
| Pstringorder | Pstringmin | Pstringmax
| Pstringcomp _ | Pstringorder | Pstringmin | Pstringmax
(* array primitives *)
| Pmakearray | Parraylength | Parrayrefu | Parrayrefs
(* Test if the argument is a block or an immediate integer *)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion jscomp/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ and compile_recursive_let ~all_bindings (cxt : Lam_compile_context.t)
(Ext_list.append b
(E.runtime_call Js_runtime_modules.obj_runtime
(E.runtime_call Js_runtime_modules.object_
"update_dummy" [ E.var id; v ]);
[ S.define_variable ~kind:Variable id (E.dummy_obj tag_info) ] )
Expand Down
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions jscomp/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -251,6 +251,9 @@ let translate output_prefix loc (cxt : Lam_compile_context.t)
match args with [ e1; e2 ] -> E.bigint_op Bxor e1 e2 | _ -> assert false)
| Pjscomp cmp -> (
match args with [ l; r ] -> E.js_comp cmp l r | _ -> assert false)
| Pboolcomp cmp -> (
match args with [ e1; e2 ] -> E.bool_comp cmp e1 e2 | _ -> assert false
| Pfloatcomp cmp | Pintcomp cmp -> (
(* Global Builtin Exception is an int, like
[Not_found] or [Invalid_argument] ?
Expand All @@ -261,6 +264,9 @@ let translate output_prefix loc (cxt : Lam_compile_context.t)
(* List --> stamp = 0
Assert_false --> stamp = 26
| Pstringcomp cmp -> (
match args with [ e1; e2 ] -> E.string_comp cmp e1 e2 | _ -> assert false
| Pintoffloat -> (
match args with [ e ] -> E.to_int32 e | _ -> assert false)
| Pfloatofint -> Ext_list.singleton_exn args
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,6 +310,37 @@ let translate output_prefix loc (cxt : Lam_compile_context.t)
match args with
| [ e; e1 ] -> Js_of_lam_string.ref_string e e1
| _ -> assert false)
(* polymorphic operations *)
| Pobjcomp cmp -> (
match args with
| [ e1; e2 ]
when cmp = Ceq && (E.for_sure_js_null_undefined e1 || E.for_sure_js_null_undefined e2)
E.eq_null_undefined_boolean e1 e2
| [ e1; e2 ]
when cmp = Cneq && (E.for_sure_js_null_undefined e1 || E.for_sure_js_null_undefined e2)
E.neq_null_undefined_boolean e1 e2
| [ e1; e2 ] ->
Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Bs_polymorphic_comparison;
E.runtime_call Js_runtime_modules.object_
(Lam_compile_util.runtime_of_comp cmp) args
| _ -> assert false)
| Pobjorder -> (
Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Bs_polymorphic_comparison;
match args with
| [ a; b ] -> E.runtime_call Js_runtime_modules.object_ "compare" args
| _ -> assert false)
| Pobjmin -> (
Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Bs_polymorphic_comparison;
match args with
| [ a; b ] -> E.runtime_call Js_runtime_modules.object_ "min" args
| _ -> assert false)
| Pobjmax -> (
Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Bs_polymorphic_comparison;
match args with
| [ a; b ] -> E.runtime_call Js_runtime_modules.object_ "max" args
| _ -> assert false)
| Pboolorder -> (
match args with
| [ { expression_desc = Bool a }; { expression_desc = Bool b } ] ->
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions jscomp/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,3 +30,12 @@ let jsop_of_comp (cmp : Lam_compat.comparison) : Js_op.binop =
| Cgt -> Gt
| Cle -> Le
| Cge -> Ge

let runtime_of_comp (cmp : Lam_compat.comparison) : string =
match cmp with
| Ceq -> "equal"
| Cneq -> "notequal"
| Clt -> "lessthan"
| Cgt -> "greaterthan"
| Cle -> "lessequal"
| Cge -> "greaterequal"
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions jscomp/core/lam_compile_util.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,3 +25,5 @@
(** Some utilities for lambda compilation*)

val jsop_of_comp : Lam_compat.comparison -> Js_op.binop

val runtime_of_comp : Lam_compat.comparison -> string
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion jscomp/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -215,9 +215,14 @@ let lam_prim ~primitive:(p : Lambda.primitive) ~args loc : Lam.t =
| Pduprecord -> prim ~primitive:Pduprecord ~args loc
| Plazyforce -> prim ~primitive:Plazyforce ~args loc
| Praise _ -> prim ~primitive:Praise ~args loc
| Pobjcomp x -> prim ~primitive:(Pobjcomp x) ~args loc
| Pobjorder -> prim ~primitive:Pobjorder ~args loc
| Pobjmin -> prim ~primitive:Pobjmin ~args loc
| Pobjmax -> prim ~primitive:Pobjmax ~args loc
| Psequand -> prim ~primitive:Psequand ~args loc
| Psequor -> prim ~primitive:Psequor ~args loc
| Pnot -> prim ~primitive:Pnot ~args loc
| Pboolcomp x -> prim ~primitive:(Pboolcomp x) ~args loc
| Pboolorder -> prim ~primitive:Pboolorder ~args loc
| Pboolmin -> prim ~primitive:Pboolmin ~args loc
| Pboolmax -> prim ~primitive:Pboolmax ~args loc
Expand All @@ -238,6 +243,7 @@ let lam_prim ~primitive:(p : Lambda.primitive) ~args loc : Lam.t =
| Pintmax -> prim ~primitive:Pintmax ~args loc
| Pstringlength -> prim ~primitive:Pstringlength ~args loc
| Pstringrefu -> prim ~primitive:Pstringrefu ~args loc
| Pstringcomp x -> prim ~primitive:(Pstringcomp x) ~args loc
| Pstringorder -> prim ~primitive:Pstringorder ~args loc
| Pstringmin -> prim ~primitive:Pstringmin ~args loc
| Pstringmax -> prim ~primitive:Pstringmax ~args loc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,7 +408,7 @@ let convert (exports : Set_ident.t) (lam : Lambda.lambda) :
match args convert_aux with
| [ lhs; rhs ] ->
~primitive:(Pccall { prim_name = "caml_string_equal" })
~primitive:(Pstringcomp Ceq)
~args:[ lam_extension_id loc lhs; rhs ]
| _ -> assert false)
Expand Down
77 changes: 2 additions & 75 deletions jscomp/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,85 +43,12 @@ let translate loc (prim_name : string) (args : J.expression list) : J.expression
| None ->
if prim_name.[0] = '?' then
String.sub prim_name 1 (String.length prim_name - 1)
else if Ext_string.starts_with prim_name "caml_" then
String.sub prim_name 5 (String.length prim_name - 5)
else assert false (* prim_name *)
else prim_name
| Some x -> x
E.runtime_call m name args
match prim_name with
| "caml_notequal" -> (
match args with
| [ a1; b1 ]
when E.for_sure_js_null_undefined a1 || E.for_sure_js_null_undefined b1
E.neq_null_undefined_boolean a1 b1
(* FIXME address_equal *)
| _ ->
Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Bs_polymorphic_comparison;
call Js_runtime_modules.obj_runtime)
| "caml_equal" -> (
match args with
| [ a1; b1 ]
when E.for_sure_js_null_undefined a1 || E.for_sure_js_null_undefined b1
E.eq_null_undefined_boolean a1 b1
(* FIXME address_equal *)
| _ ->
Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Bs_polymorphic_comparison;
call Js_runtime_modules.obj_runtime)
| "caml_min" | "caml_max" | "caml_compare" | "caml_greaterequal"
| "caml_greaterthan" | "caml_lessequal" | "caml_lessthan" | "caml_equal_null"
| "caml_equal_undefined" | "caml_equal_nullable" ->
Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Bs_polymorphic_comparison;
call Js_runtime_modules.obj_runtime
(* generated by the compiler, not user facing *)
| "caml_string_equal" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.string_equal e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_string_notequal" -> (
match args with
| [ e0; e1 ] -> E.string_comp NotEqEq e0 e1
(* TODO: convert to ocaml ones*)
| _ -> assert false)
| "caml_string_lessequal" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.string_comp Le e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_string_lessthan" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.string_comp Lt e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_string_greaterequal" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.string_comp Ge e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_string_greaterthan" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.string_comp Gt e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_bool_notequal" -> (
match args with
| [ e0; e1 ] -> E.bool_comp Cneq e0 e1
(* TODO: specialized in OCaml ones*)
| _ -> assert false)
| "caml_bool_lessequal" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.bool_comp Cle e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_bool_lessthan" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.bool_comp Clt e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_bool_greaterequal" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.bool_comp Cge e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_bool_greaterthan" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.bool_comp Cgt e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_bool_equal" | "caml_bool_equal_null" | "caml_bool_equal_nullable"
| "caml_bool_equal_undefined" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.bool_comp Ceq e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_int_equal_null" | "caml_int_equal_nullable"
| "caml_int_equal_undefined" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.int_comp Ceq e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_float_equal_null" | "caml_float_equal_nullable"
| "caml_float_equal_undefined" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.float_comp Ceq e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_bigint_equal_null" | "caml_bigint_equal_nullable"
| "caml_bigint_equal_undefined" -> (
match args with [ e0; e1 ] -> E.bigint_comp Ceq e0 e1 | _ -> assert false)
| "caml_string_equal_null" | "caml_string_equal_nullable"
| "caml_string_equal_undefined" -> (
match args with
| [ e0; e1 ] -> E.string_comp EqEqEq e0 e1
| _ -> assert false)
(************************* customized primitives ******************************)
Expand All @@ -136,7 +63,7 @@ let translate loc (prim_name : string) (args : J.expression list) : J.expression
like normal one to set the identifier *)
| "?exn_slot_name" | "?is_extension" -> call Js_runtime_modules.exceptions
| "?as_js_exn" -> call Js_runtime_modules.caml_js_exceptions
| "?obj_dup" -> call Js_runtime_modules.obj_runtime
| "?obj_dup" -> call Js_runtime_modules.object_
| "?obj_tag" -> (
(* Note that in ocaml, [int] has tag [1000] and [string] has tag [252]
also now we need do nullary check
Expand Down
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions jscomp/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,10 +57,17 @@ type t =
(* Exceptions *)
| Praise

(* object primitives *)
| Pobjcomp of Lam_compat.comparison
| Pobjorder
| Pobjmin
| Pobjmax

(* Boolean primitives *)
| Psequand
| Psequor
| Pnot
| Pboolcomp of Lam_compat.comparison
| Pboolorder
| Pboolmin
| Pboolmax
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,6 +129,7 @@ type t =
| Pstringrefu
| Pstringrefs
| Pstringadd
| Pstringcomp of Lam_compat.comparison
| Pstringorder
| Pstringmin
| Pstringmax
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,10 +199,15 @@ let eq_primitive_approx (lhs : t) (rhs : t) =
match lhs with
| Pwrap_exn
| Praise
(* generic comparison *)
| Pobjorder
| Pobjmin
| Pobjmax
(* bool primitives *)
| Psequand
| Psequor
| Pnot
| Pboolcomp _
| Pboolorder
| Pboolmin
| Pboolmax
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,6 +260,7 @@ let eq_primitive_approx (lhs : t) (rhs : t) =
| Pstringrefu
| Pstringrefs
| Pstringadd
| Pstringcomp _
| Pstringorder
| Pstringmin
| Pstringmax
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,6 +331,10 @@ let eq_primitive_approx (lhs : t) (rhs : t) =
match rhs with
| Pjs_object_create obj_create1 -> obj_create = obj_create1
| _ -> false)
| Pobjcomp comparison -> (
match rhs with
| Pobjcomp comparison1 -> Lam_compat.eq_comparison comparison comparison1
| _ -> false)
| Pintcomp comparison -> (
match rhs with
| Pintcomp comparison1 -> Lam_compat.eq_comparison comparison comparison1
Expand Down

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