Gedit Python checker
A simple gedit plugin for checking python files. Currently checks:
- pep8 conformance with the pycodestyle(former pep8) module
- basic checks using pyflakes
If you have gedit version <=3.10 use the gedit-3.10 branch Current master is for gedit version>=3.14 - though autochecking does not work - only Ctrl-Shift-E or click through Tools menu
There is also git pre-commit hook in tools-git directory which validates pycodestyle/pylint code in similar way as this plugin with two differences:
- it validates all committed .py files
- empty ending line is not validated
- blame for each line is checked and is reported only if the person is on given list
You will need both the pycodestyle(former pep8) and pyflakes modules, available from pypi.
pip3 install pyflakes
pip3 install pycodestyle # pep8 on older distros
Copy (or clone) this repository in your gedit plugins directory (create it if it does not exists):
cd ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/
git clone
You may also try cloning via git or ssh:
git clone git://
git clone [email protected]:rdunklau/Gedit-checkpython.git
Pre-commit hook installation:
ln -s ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/Gedit-checkpython/tools-git/pre-commit {MyProjectDirectory}/.git/hooks/
Check pep8 configuration options - you can control this plug with ~/.config/pep8 file now