Releases: ray-x/navigator.lua
Releases · ray-x/navigator.lua
neovim 0.7
neovim 0.6.0 banch out
minor fix and add support for terraform
Minor Bug fix and be ready for navigator 0.4
Bug fix for 0.3.0
The neovim 0.5 and 0.6.0 support will be tagged as 0.3.x
It will be branch out as neovim_0.6
neovim 0.7
- Updates for lsp_installer new API
- Breaking changes from neovim 0.7
- offset_encoding
- close_preview_autocmd removed
- DiagnosticsChanged
- bufnr can not be nil
- Use notify to replace info/error/warn/print
- New API: async_reference (similar to LSP saga: Async Lsp Finder)
- Integrate, ui.input from guihua.gui
- prevent reference/def/... get multiple results from different lsp
release (new codeaction and preview)
symbol preview with treesitter scope/context
new code action shows the changes been made
Feature release
Neovim 0.6.x support
Threading with luv
Code action improvement
Supporting Codelens
Better incoming/outgoing calls
Multiple lsp loading
Release of v0.2.0
Based on pre-release 0.2
Add efm support.
Bugfix and document clean up.
Pre-release of version 0.2
- Allow edit in floating windows
- Treesitter context
- MS windows support
- Preview improvement (border, highlight)
- Improve lsp client setup and plugin startup time
- Impove setting for debounce
- Impove on_attach hook
- ccls call hierarchy