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Basic News app with clean architecture and MVVM integrated

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`# BasicNewsApp

Welcome to BasicNewsApp, a news application built with MVVM architecture

Major Highlights

  • MVVM architecture for a clean and scalable codebase
  • Kotlin and Kotlin DSL
  • Dagger Hilt for efficient dependency injection.
  • Retrofit for seamless networking
  • Coroutines and Flow for asynchronous programming
  • StateFlow for streamlined state management
  • Unit tests and UI tests for robust code coverage
  • Navigation for smooth transitions between screens
  • Glide for efficient image loading

Features Implemented

  • Show top news articles
  • Edit country via settings screen

Dependency Use

  • Glide for Image Loading: Efficiently loads and caches images
  • Retrofit for Networking: A type-safe HTTP client for smooth network requests
  • Dagger Hilt for Dependency Injection: Simplifies dependency injection

How to Run the Project

  • Clone the Repository:
git clone
cd BasicNewsApp
  • Visit and sign up for an API key, Copy the API key provided
  • Create the file in the root directory, if not created by default by Android Studio
  • Add your API_KEY
API_KEY=<Add your API Key>
  • Build and run the BasicNewsApp.

The Complete Project Folder Structure

|-- app
    |-- main
    |   |-- AndroidManifest.xml
    |   |-- java
    |   |   |-- com
    |   |       |-- example
    |   |           |-- hiltintegrationexample
    |   |               |-- HiltIntegrationApplication.kt
    |   |               |-- data
    |   |               |   |-- local
    |   |               |   |   |-- NewsLocalDataSourceImpl.kt
    |   |               |   |   |-- NewsLocalSource.kt
    |   |               |   |-- model
    |   |               |   |   |-- ArticleEntity.kt
    |   |               |   |   |-- NewsListResponse.kt
    |   |               |   |   |-- SourceEntity.kt
    |   |               |   |   |-- State.kt
    |   |               |   |-- network
    |   |               |   |   |-- ApiKeyInterceptor.kt
    |   |               |   |   |-- NewsApi.kt
    |   |               |   |-- repo
    |   |               |       |-- NewsRepositoryImpl.kt
    |   |               |       |-- mapper
    |   |               |           |-- EntityMapper.kt
    |   |               |-- di
    |   |               |   |-- ApplicationModule.kt
    |   |               |   |-- NewsRepoModule.kt
    |   |               |   |-- SharedPreferencesModule.kt
    |   |               |   |-- qualifiers.kt
    |   |               |-- domain
    |   |               |   |-- NewsRepo.kt
    |   |               |   |-- Resource.kt
    |   |               |   |-- model
    |   |               |       |-- Article.kt
    |   |               |       |-- Source.kt
    |   |               |-- ui
    |   |                   |-- MainActivity.kt
    |   |                   |-- newslist
    |   |                   |   |-- NewsListFragment.kt
    |   |                   |   |-- NewsListViewModel.kt
    |   |                   |   |-- adapter
    |   |                   |       |-- NewsListAdapter.kt
    |   |                   |-- settings
    |   |                       |-- SettingsFragment.kt
    |   |                       |-- viewmodel
    |   |                           |-- SettingsViewModel.kt

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Contribute to the project

Feel free to improve or add features to the project. Create an issue or find the pending issue. All pull requests are welcome 😄 `


Basic News app with clean architecture and MVVM integrated






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