This application is a (little less) basic to-do list!
To get this app up and running, run these commands in console:
bundle install
rake db:create:all
rake db:migrate
rake db:test:prepare
These commands do the following:
- Install all of the necessary gems listed in the Gemfile
- Create the test and development databases based on the configuration specified in config/database.yml
- Add all of the tables and table attributes to the development database defined in the migration files in db/migrate
- Add all of the tables and table attributes to the test database
Then, to run the tests, run this command in console:
rspec spec
- Adds users using the gem devise to the application that are able to maintain separate to-do lists. Here is a great tutorial, but the documentation on the gem's README is great too.
- Cleans and DRYs up the existing tests.
- Adds optional deadline field to tasks and displays to user how many days are left to complete the task
- Adds ability to completely delete lists and tasks
- Adds ability to rank and display tasks in priority for a given list