What this tool does:
- Listens to the SondeHub-Amateur live data stream (using pysondehub)
- Filters telemetry based on:
- Radius from a fixed location
- A Geo-Fence
- Flight type (e.g. pico-floater vs up-down balloon)
- Runs float predictions for floater balloons using the SondeHub Tawhiri API
- Sends a notification if either the prediction, or the live telemetry matches the filters, via:
- (Other methods? TBD?)
- Save state?
- Better detection of pico-balloons (maybe calculate ascent rate and look for floaters?)
- Other notification methods?
Make a copy of the example configuration file, and modify as required:
$ cp alert.cfg.example alert.cfg
(Optional, though recommended) Create a Python virtual environment:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
Install required Python dependencies:
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run balloonalert:
(venv) $ python -m balloonalert alert.cfg