Housing: https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32758280029.html
Solar cell: Some 6V unit, covered by CD cover + silicone sealant
External I2C sensors: Light: BH1750, placed in the CD cover next to the solar cell), Temperature and humidity: AM2032, Pressure: BMP280
External I2C sensors: Light: BH1750, placed in the CD cover next to the solar cell), Temperature, Pressure and humidity: BME280
Online data: https://thermo.klosko.net/rss-iot-live.xml?rss=ws1 or https://weather.klosko.net/
Attention, on the PCB there are two wired connections on the side of the components (Vcc wire)!!
For additional information see https://www.klosko.net/blog (not yet published)