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Avro schema generator for PHP

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composer require php-kafka/php-avro-schema-generator "^3.0"


This library enables you to:

  • Manage your embedded schema as separate files
  • The library is able to merge those files
  • The library is able to generate avsc schema templates from PHP classes

Merging subschemas / schemas

Schema template directories: directories containing avsc template files (with subschema)
Output directory: output directory for the merged schema files

Console example

./vendor/bin/avro-cli avro:subschema:merge ./example/schemaTemplates ./example/schema

PHP example


use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Registry\SchemaRegistry;
use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Merger\SchemaMerger;

$registry = (new SchemaRegistry())

$merger = new SchemaMerger('./schema');


Merge optimizers

There are optimizers that you can enable for merging schema:

  • FullNameOptimizer: removes unneeded namespaces
  • FieldOrderOptimizer: the first fields of a record schema will be: type, name, namespace (if present)
  • PrimitiveSchemaOptimizer: Optimizes primitive schema e.g. {"type": "string"} to "string"

How to enable optimizer:

Console example

./vendor/bin/avro-cli --optimizeFullNames --optimizeFieldOrder --optimizePrimitiveSchemas avro:subschema:merge ./example/schemaTemplates ./example/schema

PHP Example


use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Registry\SchemaRegistry;
use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Merger\SchemaMerger;
use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Optimizer\FieldOrderOptimizer;
use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Optimizer\FullNameOptimizer;
use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Optimizer\PrimitiveSchemaOptimizer;

$registry = (new SchemaRegistry())

$merger = new SchemaMerger('./schema');
$merger->addOptimizer(new FieldOrderOptimizer());
$merger->addOptimizer(new FullNameOptimizer());
$merger->addOptimizer(new PrimitiveSchemaOptimizer());


Generating schemas from classes

You will need to adjust the generated templates, but it gives you a good starting point to work with.
Class directories: Directories containing the classes you want to generate schemas from
Output directory: output directory for your generated schema templates
After you have reviewed and adjusted your templates you will need to merge them (see above)

Console example

./vendor/bin/avro-cli avro:schema:generate ./example/classes ./example/schemaTemplates

PHP Example


use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Converter\PhpClassConverter;
use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Parser\ClassParser;
use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Parser\DocCommentParser;
use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Registry\ClassRegistry;
use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Parser\ClassPropertyParser;
use PhpKafka\PhpAvroSchemaGenerator\Generator\SchemaGenerator;
use PhpParser\ParserFactory;

$parser = (new ParserFactory())->create(ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP7);
$classPropertyParser = new ClassPropertyParser(new DocCommentParser());
$classParser = new ClassParser($parser, $classPropertyParser);

$converter = new PhpClassConverter($classParser);
$registry = (new ClassRegistry($converter))->addClassDirectory('./classes')->load();

$generator = new SchemaGenerator('./schema');
$schemas = $generator->generate();

The generator is able to detect types from:

  • doc comments
  • property types
  • doc annotations
    • @avro-type to set a fixed type instead of calculating one
    • @avro-default set a default for this property in your schema
    • @avro-doc to set schema doc comment
    • @avro-logical-type set logical type for your property (decimal is not yet supported, since it has additional parameters)


In v1.3.0 the option --optimizeSubSchemaNamespaces was added. It was not working fully
in the 1.x version and we had some discussions (#13) about it.
Ultimately the decision was to adapt this behaviour fully in v2.0.0 so you might want to
upgrade if you rely on that behaviour.


PHP avro subschema merger and experimental PHP Class avro schema generator








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