A very basic but complete demo project that use VueJs as front-end framework (with Vue-resource, Vue-router and VueX), Babel for ES6/ES7 transpilation, Webpack2 as module bundler, SASS as CSS preprocessor, Karma, Mocha and Chai for unit tests, nightwatch for e2e tests and finally Istanbul for code coverage.
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/phiphou/webpack-vue-demo.git
$ cd webpack-vue-demo
$ npm install
$ npm run start
Your default browser should open at, then you can start developing in ./src/app/main.js
First, make sure you've got NodeJS installed. If not, go to nodejs.org to download and install it. It will also install NPM.
If everything is ok, node -v
should print your node version and npm -v
should print NPM's one. Minimum requirements for this project are node >= 5.x.x
and NPM >= 3.x.x
Then, clone or fork this repo and run npm install
to install the application.
$ git clone https://github.com/phiphou/webpack-vue-demo.git
$ cd webpack-vue-demo
$ npm install
Dependencies will be installed in the ./node_modules
You can also use the new Yarn package manager (and should have a look on it if you don't know it).
$ yarn
Dive into development right now by just running:
$ npm run start
This will pre-build the application, start webpack's dev server and open your browser at Then, have a look at ./src/app/main.js
You can build the app and get a "ready to deploy" release by just running:
$ npm run prod
You'll find your build in the ./dist
Karma is used as test-runner, you can configure it in the ./config/karma/karma.conf.js
You can run tests by just typing :
$ npm run test
Tests are written in ES6 for Mocha and use Chai and chai-as-promised.
Unit-tests are located in the ./test/unit/
folder and reports are available in the ./reports/unit
folder, in JUnit format and HTML report.
NightwatchJs is used as E2E-tests test-runner, you can configure it in the ./config/nightwatch.js
E2E-tests are located in the ./test/e2e/
You can run e2e tests by just typing :
$ npm run e2e
Chrome browser is used as default config, but you can override this by running:
$ npm run e2e -- --env [chrome],[firefox]
Reports are available in the ./reports/e2e
folder in JUnit format and HTML report. In case of failed test(s), you'll find screenshots in the ./reports/e2e/screenshots
Istanbul is used as code coverage tool. You can configure it in the ./config/karma/karma.conf.js
It will produce reports you'll find in the ./reports/coverage/[browser_name]/
folder (index.html) each time you run unit-tests.
It will also generate LCOV format report in the ./reports/coverage/[browser_name]
CircleCI is used for continuous integration, Codecov as code coverage tool and SauceLabs for cloud cross-browsers testing.
See ./circleci.yml
and badges at the top of this document.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.