It is a most primitive TCP server.
It implements classic incoming connections loop running in background process.
Users should subclass TCPServer and implement method #processNewConnection:.
To start a server simply create an instance and ask it to #start:
server := TCPServerSubclass new.
server start.
It will run a listener socket and an incoming connections loop.
By default it allows OS to assign free port for the server (using zero port number):
server := TCPServerSubclass new.
server port. "==> 0"
server start.
server port > 0 "==> true"
But users can specify concrete port using #on: message:
server := TCPServerSubclass on: 40422
If given port is busy the #start message will signal an error.
To stop the server use #stop message:
server stop.
It will close listener socket and terminate incoming connections loop.
I maintain the list of all running servers on my class side variable #RunningServers:
TCPServer runningServers
Metacello new
baseline: 'TCPServer';
repository: 'github://pharo-ide/TCPServer';
Use following snippet for stable dependency in your project baseline:
baseline: 'TCPServer'
with: [ spec repository: 'github://pharo-ide/TCPServer:v1.0.1' ]