stands for GeoServer SYNChronization. It is a Django app for Geonode that enable manual triggering of synchronization between geonode and geoserver from the web interface.
It is released under GNU-GPL licence version 3.
Detailed documentation is in the "docs" directory.
Here below are listed the instruction for install:
If you are using
, stop servicesdocker-compose down
Add "gssync" to your INSTALLED_APPS by adding the following lines at the end of
file:# Addition of gssync app INSTALLED_APPS += ('geonode.gssync',)
Include the gssync URLconf in
file like this:if "geonode.gssync" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: urlpatterns += [ # '', re_path(r'^gssync/', include('geonode.gssync.urls')), ]
folder inside./geonode
django project folder: -
If you are using
, rebuild geonode and restart services (this may stop the web site for a while):docker-compose down && docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
Once geonode has restarted, authneticated users with admins permissions can reach the page
to perform synchronisation
(Section not yet written)
Once the app is running, go through the following steps :
With admin permissions, go to
by your own domain name). -
Click on the button
Sync with GeoServer
. Once the green chekmark appear, you can navigate to theData
page. Your layers should be available here. -
Be careful, these layers are published with Geonode's default permissions. So you must check the layer permissions right after publication.