A simple autoclicker program made with python using tkinter and pynput modules PROJECT HAS BEEN MOVED TO https://gitlab.com/payoliin/simple-autoclick
- Make sure tkinter and pynput modules are installed (A compiled version will be uploaded soon to avoid that dependency)
- Click on code > download zip > extract it or clone the repository
- Run main.py
- When you click on "Start autoclicker", the program will start running.
- Press the activation key, and the program will toggle clicking automatically.
- Pressing "esc" (this will probably change in the future) or clicking "Stop" will stop the program.
- You can change activation key, delay, and click type when the program is not running.
---Known Bugs---
Clicking "change activation key" causes a not responding issue on Windows (works as intented in Linux)should be fixed
- find a way to make the program run without opening a empty python window
- Actually release