###Initial Setup###
- You must run this initial setup as root.
- The lib/*.sh deploy scripts currently assume the absolute location of /root/puppet-drupalstack/lib/*.sh
Clone repo and puppet deploy:
$ git clone https://github.com/paulhudson/puppet-drupalstack.git && ~/puppet-drupalstack/lib/deploy.sh
This will:
- git clone and run a build script
- install required packages via yum or apt-get
- ensure puppet module dependancies are met via puppet-libararies
- configure a Drupal LAMP stack via puppet
- provide vhost+Drupal install utility
The vhost+Drupal install utility is accessible via command line and a web interface, see below.
###Install More vhosts and Drupal sites###
You can quickly create a new apache vhost, mysql database and Drupal install with the lib/vhost_deploy.sh script.
To create a new Drupal site at mysite.tld simply pass that hostname as the -a flag:
$ cd ~/puppet-drupalstack
$ lib/vhost_deploy.sh -a mysite.tld
You can optionally install a Drupal distribution by using the -d flag:
$ lib/vhost_deploy.sh -a mysite.tld -d commerce_kickstart
see: $ lib/vhost_deploy.sh --help
###Manual Setup###
The main steps in the inital automated setup are avalible for advanced users once you've cloned the repo:
$ cd ~/puppet-drupalstack
Install dependancies and puppet librarian:
$ lib/deploy.sh
Apply puppet manifest:
$ puppet apply init.pp
Create a new vhost and mysql db:
$ FACTER_sitename=hostname FACTER_db_user=dbuser FACTER_db_pass=dbpass puppet apply site.pp