Generate training positions
python -m src.run.generate_positions
Train a neural network
python -m src.run.train
Evaluate a trained network by starting the notebook:
Start ML Flow UI, in correct python venv
mlflow ui
Export dependencies to requirements.txt
poetry export > requirements.txt
- could only get milvus 2.3.1 to work, so use that for now
- but had to downgrade python to 3.9, because of compatibility issues
- and only works with recent tensorflow version, so it's incompatible with aws sage maker
- maybe I need to build a different toolchain for different python versions
- Document findings of up to current model training
- Write to db from .npy files
- write tokenized positions with some metadata and id
- write embeddings generated from a model
- Write to db from .pgn file
- maybe some refactoring is needed
- make embeddings better for search
- document approaches
- make a plan