Italia Opensource is a list of open source projects created by Italian companies or developers.
The repository intends to give visibility to open source projects and stimulate the community to contribute to growing the ecosystem.
Please read the contribution guidelines before opening a pull request or contributing to this repository
Name | Repository | Stack | Description |
Arduino | css, bootstrap, javascript | ||
Autocannon | nodejs, javascript | Fast HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node.js | |
Bootstrap Italia | css, bootstrap, javascript | ||
Breathly | javascript, typescript, react-native | Breath training mobile app | |
Capsule | kubernetes, operator, kubernetes-operator, multi-tenancy, namespaces, tenant, kubernetes-namespaces, multi-tenant-operator | ||
Caronte | javascript, go | A tool to analyze the network flow during attack/defence Cap [..] | |
Daje | dotfiles, go, linux, ansible, dotfiles-manager | ||
Ercole | go | Proactive Software Asset Management. Backend component | |
Espanso | rust | Cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust | |
Fastify | nodejs, web-framework, api | ||
Hanami | ruby, web framework | Hanami is a full-stack Ruby web framework. It's made up of s [..] | |
Histolab | python | Library for Digital Pathology Image Processing | |
Icaro | kotlin, ANTLR, programming language, java bytecode | ||
Imagegonord | python, image-processing, vuejs, javascript, cli | ||
Io App | typescript, app, android, ios | ||
Italiaremote | awesome, remote work | ||
Kafka Connect Elasticsearch Source | kafka, connect, elasticsearch, source | ||
Kamaji | kubernetes, multi-tenant, cluster, kubernetes-cluster, k8s, managed-kubernetes, multi-cluster, kubernetes-multitenancy, kubernetes-in-kubernetes, virtual-cluster | ||
Kannon | go, saas, serverless | ||
Kathará | python, docker, kubernetes, compuiter networks, network emulation | A Lightweight and Scalable Container-based Network Emulation [..] | |
Make Promises Safe | nodejs, javascript | A node.js module to make the use of promises safe. It implem [..] | |
Middy | nodejs, javascript, serverless, aws lambda | The stylish Node.js middleware engine for AWS Lambda | |
Notable | typescript, software, markdown | The Markdown-based note-taking app | |
Nuvolaris | go, python, serverless, startup | ||
Ordinary Puzzles | javascript, typescript, react-native | A minimalistic mobile puzzle game inspired by Picross and Su [..] | |
Pet Therapy | swift, swiftui, macos, appkit, desktop, pets, desktop pets | Desktop Pets for macOS | |
Pytorch Deep Learning | python, jupyter notebook, deep learning, pytorch | ||
Pyxis | design system, elm, typescript | ||
Redis | c, database | ||
Remotebear | javascript, typescript, react, nodejs | Remote jobs aggregator | |
Simple Ehm | Jupyter Notebook | A simple tool for a simple task: remove filler sounds ('ehm' [..] | |
Snackjob | python, flask, javascript, css | ||
Strawberry Graphql | python, graphql | ||
Yamlinc | yaml, openapi | ||
Youtube-To-Anchorfm | javascript, automation, docker, puppeteer, github-action |
The project is made available under the GPL-3.0 license. See the LICENSE
file for more information.