This is a simple experiment to test Spring 5's Webflux Module's Functional Programming Model interaction with the Reactiverse reactive-pg-client.
Disclaimer: the
does not implement the JDBC specification.
- An account with Space Developer role access on a Cloud Foundry foundation, e.g., Pivotal Web Services
- CF CLI 6.37.0 or better if you want to push the application to a Cloud Foundry (CF) instance
- httpie 0.9.9 or better to simplify interaction with API endpoints
- Java JDK 1.8u172 or better to compile and run the code
- Gradle 4.8 or better to build and package source code
- Docker for Mac or Windows for spinning up a local instance of Postgres and Adminer (a database administration interface)
git clone
cd reactive-jdbc-demo
gradle build
Prepare database
Open a Terminal session, then type
docker-compose up -d
Login to Adminer interface
Open a browser and visit
Credentials are:
- System =>
- Server =>
- Username =>
- Password =>
- Database =>
Click the
button - System =>
Click on the
SQL command
linkLink is in the upper left hand-corner of the interface
Cut-and-paste the contents of people.ddl into the text area, then click the
button -
Start the application
Start a new Terminal session and type
gradle bootRun
Let's create some data using the API
http POST localhost:8080/person firstName=Dweezil lastName=Zappa age=48 HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted content-length: 0
Verify that we can find the person we added
http localhost:8080/person HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json transfer-encoding: chunked [ { "age": 48, "firstName": "Dweezil", "id": "582279d1-9bd1-4e49-946c-ac720de0e04f", "lastName": "Zappa" } ]
Let's ask for a person by id
http localhost:8080/person/582279d1-9bd1-4e49-946c-ac720de0e04f HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 95 Content-Type: application/json { "age": 48, "firstName": "Dweezil", "id": "582279d1-9bd1-4e49-946c-ac720de0e04f", "lastName": "Zappa" }
Stop the application
Visit the Terminal session where you started application and press
Shutdown Postgres and Adminer interface
Visit the Terminal session where you invoked
docker-compose-up -d
and typedocker-compose down
Note: the data volume is persistent! If you want to destroy all unused volumes and reclaim some additional space, type
docker volume prune
Authenticate to a foundation using the API endpoint.
E.g., login to Pivotal Web Services
cf login -a https://
Push the app, but don't start it
cf push reactive-jdbc-demo --random-route --no-start -p ./build/libs/reactive-jdbc-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -m 1G -b
Let's fire fire up a Postgres instance
We're going to use ElephantSQL
cf cs elephantsql panda {service name}
Note: this is going to cost you $19/month to keep alive Replace {service name} above with your desired service name
Next we'll bind the service to the application
cf bs reactive-jdbc-demo {service name}
Make sure {service name} above matches what you defined in Step 3
Let's verify that
was properly injectedcf env reactive-jdbc-demo Getting env variables for app reactive-jdbc-demo in org scooby-doo / space dev as [email protected]... OK System-Provided: { "VCAP_SERVICES": { "elephantsql": [ { "binding_name": null, "credentials": { "max_conns": "20", "uri": "postgres://blxrphig:[email protected]:5432/banzlhig" }, ...
We're interested in
The URI consists of {vendor}://{username}:{password}@{server}:5432/{database} -
We'll set an environment variable
cf set-env reactive-jdbc-demo PG_LOOKUP_KEY {service name}
{service name}
above should match value in steps 3 and 4 -
Now let's startup the application
cf start reactive-jdbc-demo
Launch Adminer to administer the database
table doesn't exist yet, so we need to create itdocker-compose up -d
Open a browser and visit
Credentials are:
- System =>
- Server =>
- Username =>
- Password =>
- Database =>
Replace all bracketed values above with what you learned from Step 5
Click the
button - System =>
Click on the
SQL command
link -
Cut-and-paste the contents of people.ddl into the text area, then click the
button -
Follow steps 6-8 above in
How to run locally
to interact with APIBut replace occurrences of
with URL to application hosted on Cloud Foundry
Congratulations! You've just pushed and interacted with a 100% reactive and cloud native app.
Stop the application
cf stop reactive-jdbc-demo
Unbind the database instance
cf us reactive-jdbc-demo {service name}
{service name}
above should match value inHow to run on Cloud Foundry
steps 3 and 4 -
Delete the database instance
cf ds {service name}
{service name}
above should match value inHow to run on Cloud Foundry
steps 3 and 4 -
Delete the application
cf delete reactive-jdbc-demo
Oracle continues to work on ADBA while having released AoJ under an Apache license to get community feedback.
Maybe we will see something concrete in JDK 11?
- rxjava2-jdbc
- Vert.x JDBC Client
- Reactive Relational Database Connectivity Client (R2DBC)