openstack.nose_plugin provides a nose plugin that allow's nosetests output to mimic the output of openstack's
pip install openstack.nose_plugin
The following options are available:
--with-openstack Enable plugin Openstack: Nova style output generator [NOSE_WITH_OPENSTACK] --openstack-red=OPENSTACK_RED Colorize run times greater than value red. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_RED] or 1.0 --openstack-yellow=OPENSTACK_YELLOW Colorize run times greater than value yellow. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_RED] or 0.25 --openstack-show-elapsed Show the elaped runtime of tests. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_SHOW_ELAPSED] --openstack-color Colorize output. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_COLOR] --openstack-nocolor Disable colorize output. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_COLOR] --openstack-num-slow=OPENSTACK_NUM_SLOW Number top slowest tests to report. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_NUM_SLOW]