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Go SDK for OpenFGA

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This is an autogenerated Go SDK for OpenFGA. It provides a wrapper around the OpenFGA API definition.

Table of Contents


OpenFGA is an open source Fine-Grained Authorization solution inspired by Google's Zanzibar paper. It was created by the FGA team at Auth0 based on Auth0 Fine-Grained Authorization (FGA), available under a permissive license (Apache-2) and welcomes community contributions.

OpenFGA is designed to make it easy for application builders to model their permission layer, and to add and integrate fine-grained authorization into their applications. OpenFGA’s design is optimized for reliability and low latency at a high scale.



To install:

go get -u

In your code, import the module and use it:

import ""

func Main() {
	configuration, err := openfga.NewConfiguration(openfga.Configuration{})

You can then run

go mod tidy

to update go.mod and go.sum if you are using them.

Getting Started

Initializing the API Client

Learn how to initialize your SDK

We strongly recommend you initialize the OpenFgaClient only once and then re-use it throughout your app, otherwise you will incur the cost of having to re-initialize multiple times or at every request, the cost of reduced connection pooling and re-use, and would be particularly costly in the client credentials flow, as that flow will be preformed on every request.

The openfgaClient will by default retry API requests up to 15 times on 429 and 5xx errors.

No Credentials

import (
    . ""

func main() {
    fgaClient, err := NewSdkClient(&ClientConfiguration{
        ApiUrl:  os.Getenv("FGA_API_URL"), // required, e.g. https://api.fga.example
        StoreId: os.Getenv("FGA_STORE_ID"), // not needed when calling `CreateStore` or `ListStores`
        AuthorizationModelId: os.Getenv("FGA_MODEL_ID"), // optional, recommended to be set for production

	if err != nil {
        // .. Handle error

API Token

import (
    . ""

func main() {
    fgaClient, err := NewSdkClient(&ClientConfiguration{
        ApiUrl:      os.Getenv("FGA_API_URL"), // required, e.g. https://api.fga.example
        StoreId:     os.Getenv("FGA_STORE_ID"), // not needed when calling `CreateStore` or `ListStores`
        AuthorizationModelId: os.Getenv("FGA_MODEL_ID"), // optional, recommended to be set for production
        Credentials: &credentials.Credentials{
            Method: credentials.CredentialsMethodApiToken,
            Config: &credentials.Config{
                ApiToken: os.Getenv("FGA_API_TOKEN"), // will be passed as the "Authorization: Bearer ${ApiToken}" request header

    if err != nil {
        // .. Handle error

Auth0 Client Credentials

import (
    openfga ""
    . ""

func main() {
    fgaClient, err := NewSdkClient(&ClientConfiguration{
        ApiUrl:               os.Getenv("FGA_API_URL"), // required, e.g. https://api.fga.example
        StoreId:              os.Getenv("FGA_STORE_ID"), // not needed when calling `CreateStore` or `ListStores`
        AuthorizationModelId: os.Getenv("FGA_MODEL_ID"), // optional, recommended to be set for production
        Credentials: &credentials.Credentials{
            Method: credentials.CredentialsMethodClientCredentials,
            Config: &credentials.Config{
                ClientCredentialsClientId:       os.Getenv("FGA_CLIENT_ID"),
                ClientCredentialsClientSecret:   os.Getenv("FGA_CLIENT_SECRET"),
                ClientCredentialsApiAudience:    os.Getenv("FGA_API_AUDIENCE"),
                ClientCredentialsApiTokenIssuer: os.Getenv("FGA_API_TOKEN_ISSUER"),

    if err != nil {
        // .. Handle error

OAuth2 Client Credentials

import (
    openfga ""
    . ""

func main() {
    fgaClient, err := NewSdkClient(&ClientConfiguration{
        ApiUrl:               os.Getenv("FGA_API_URL"), // required, e.g. https://api.fga.example
        StoreId:              os.Getenv("FGA_STORE_ID"), // not needed when calling `CreateStore` or `ListStores`
        AuthorizationModelId: os.Getenv("FGA_MODEL_ID"), // optional, recommended to be set for production
        Credentials: &credentials.Credentials{
            Method: credentials.CredentialsMethodClientCredentials,
            Config: &credentials.Config{
                ClientCredentialsClientId:       os.Getenv("FGA_CLIENT_ID"),
                ClientCredentialsClientSecret:   os.Getenv("FGA_CLIENT_SECRET"),
                ClientCredentialsScopes:         os.Getenv("FGA_API_SCOPES"), // optional space separated scopes
                ClientCredentialsApiTokenIssuer: os.Getenv("FGA_API_TOKEN_ISSUER"),

    if err != nil {
        // .. Handle error

Get your Store ID

You need your store id to call the OpenFGA API (unless it is to call the CreateStore or ListStores methods).

If your server is configured with authentication enabled, you also need to have your credentials ready.

Calling the API


List Stores

Get a paginated list of stores.

API Documentation

options := ClientListStoresOptions{
  PageSize:          openfga.PtrInt32(10),
  ContinuationToken: openfga.PtrString("..."),
stores, err := fgaClient.ListStores(context.Background()).Options(options).Execute()

// stores = [{ "id": "01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB", "name": "FGA Demo Store", "created_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "updated_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" }]
Create Store

Create and initialize a store.

API Documentation

body := ClientCreateStoreRequest{Name: "FGA Demo"}
store, err := fgaClient.CreateStore(context.Background()).Body(body).Execute()
if err != nil {
    // handle error

// store.Id = "01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"

// store store.Id in database
// update the storeId of the current instance
// continue calling the API normally, scoped to this store
Get Store

Get information about the current store.

API Documentation

options := ClientGetStoreOptions{
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
store,  err := fgaClient.GetStore(context.Background()).Options(options)Execute()
if err != nil {
    // handle error

// store = { "id": "01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB", "name": "FGA Demo Store", "created_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "updated_at": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" }
Delete Store

Delete a store.

API Documentation

options := ClientDeleteStoreOptions{
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
_,  err := fgaClient.DeleteStore(context.Background()).Options(options).Execute()
if err != nil {
    // handle error

Authorization Models

Read Authorization Models

Read all authorization models in the store.

API Documentation

options := ClientReadAuthorizationModelsOptions{
    PageSize: openfga.PtrInt32(10),
    ContinuationToken: openfga.PtrString("..."),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"),
data, err := fgaClient.ReadAuthorizationModels(context.Background()).Options(options).Execute()

// data.AuthorizationModels = [
// { Id: "01GXSA8YR785C4FYS3C0RTG7B1", SchemaVersion: "1.1", TypeDefinitions: [...] },
// { Id: "01GXSBM5PVYHCJNRNKXMB4QZTW", SchemaVersion: "1.1", TypeDefinitions: [...] }];
Write Authorization Model

Create a new authorization model.

API Documentation

Note: To learn how to build your authorization model, check the Docs at

Learn more about the OpenFGA configuration language.

You can use the OpenFGA Syntax Transformer to convert between the friendly DSL and the JSON authorization model.

body := ClientWriteAuthorizationModelRequest{
  SchemaVersion: "1.1",
  TypeDefinitions: []openfga.TypeDefinition{
    {Type: "user", Relations: &map[string]openfga.Userset{}},
      Type: "document",
      Relations: &map[string]openfga.Userset{
        "writer": {
          This: &map[string]interface{}{},
        "viewer": {Union: &openfga.Usersets{
          Child: &[]openfga.Userset{
            {This: &map[string]interface{}{}},
            {ComputedUserset: &openfga.ObjectRelation{
              Object:   openfga.PtrString(""),
              Relation: openfga.PtrString("writer"),
      Metadata: &openfga.Metadata{
        Relations: &map[string]openfga.RelationMetadata{
          "writer": {
            DirectlyRelatedUserTypes: &[]openfga.RelationReference{
              {Type: "user"},
          "viewer": {
            DirectlyRelatedUserTypes: &[]openfga.RelationReference{
              {Type: "user"},
options := ClientWriteAuthorizationModelOptions{
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
data, err := fgaClient.WriteAuthorizationModel(context.Background()).Options(options).Body(body).Execute()

fmt.Printf("%s", data.AuthorizationModelId) // 01GXSA8YR785C4FYS3C0RTG7B1
Read a Single Authorization Model

Read a particular authorization model.

API Documentation

options := ClientReadAuthorizationModelOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString(modelId),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
data, err := fgaClient.ReadAuthorizationModel(context.Background()).Options(options).Execute()

// data = {"authorization_model":{"id":"01GXSA8YR785C4FYS3C0RTG7B1","schema_version":"1.1","type_definitions":[{"type":"document","relations":{"writer":{"this":{}},"viewer":{ ... }}},{"type":"user"}]}} // JSON

fmt.Printf("%s", data.AuthorizationModel.Id) // 01GXSA8YR785C4FYS3C0RTG7B1
Read the Latest Authorization Model

Reads the latest authorization model (note: this ignores the model id in configuration).

API Documentation

options := ClientReadLatestAuthorizationModelOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString(modelId),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
data, err := fgaClient.ReadLatestAuthorizationModel(context.Background()).Options(options)Execute()

// data.AuthorizationModel.Id = "01GXSA8YR785C4FYS3C0RTG7B1"
// data.AuthorizationModel.SchemaVersion = "1.1"
// data.AuthorizationModel.TypeDefinitions = [{ "type": "document", "relations": { ... } }, { "type": "user", "relations": { ... }}]

fmt.Printf("%s", (*data.AuthorizationModel).GetId()) // 01GXSA8YR785C4FYS3C0RTG7B1

Relationship Tuples

Read Relationship Tuple Changes (Watch)

Reads the list of historical relationship tuple writes and deletes.

API Documentation

body := ClientReadChangesRequest{
    Type: "document",
options := ClientReadChangesOptions{
    PageSize: openfga.PtrInt32(10),
    ContinuationToken: openfga.PtrString("eyJwayI6IkxBVEVTVF9OU0NPTkZJR19hdXRoMHN0b3JlIiwic2siOiIxem1qbXF3MWZLZExTcUoyN01MdTdqTjh0cWgifQ=="),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
data, err := fgaClient.ReadChanges(context.Background()).Body(body).Options(options).Execute()

// data.ContinuationToken = ...
// data.Changes = [
//   { TupleKey: { User, Relation, Object }, Operation: TupleOperation.WRITE, Timestamp: ... },
//   { TupleKey: { User, Relation, Object }, Operation: TupleOperation.DELETE, Timestamp: ... }
// ]
Read Relationship Tuples

Reads the relationship tuples stored in the database. It does not evaluate nor exclude invalid tuples according to the authorization model.

API Documentation

// Find if a relationship tuple stating that a certain user is a viewer of a certain document
body := ClientReadRequest{
    User:     openfga.PtrString("user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b"),
    Relation: openfga.PtrString("viewer"),
    Object:   openfga.PtrString("document:roadmap"),

// Find all relationship tuples where a certain user has a relationship as any relation to a certain document
body := ClientReadRequest{
    User:     openfga.PtrString("user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b"),
    Object:   openfga.PtrString("document:roadmap"),

// Find all relationship tuples where a certain user is a viewer of any document
body := ClientReadRequest{
    User:     openfga.PtrString("user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b"),
    Relation: openfga.PtrString("viewer"),
    Object:   openfga.PtrString("document:"),

// Find all relationship tuples where any user has a relationship as any relation with a particular document
body := ClientReadRequest{
    Object:   openfga.PtrString("document:roadmap"),

// Read all stored relationship tuples
body := ClientReadRequest{}

options := ClientReadOptions{
    PageSize: openfga.PtrInt32(10),
    ContinuationToken: openfga.PtrString("eyJwayI6IkxBVEVTVF9OU0NPTkZJR19hdXRoMHN0b3JlIiwic2siOiIxem1qbXF3MWZLZExTcUoyN01MdTdqTjh0cWgifQ=="),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
data, err := fgaClient.Read(context.Background()).Body(requestBody).Options(options).Execute()

// In all the above situations, the response will be of the form:
// data = { Tuples: [{ Key: { User, Relation, Object }, Timestamp }, ...]}
Write (Create and Delete) Relationship Tuples

Create and/or delete relationship tuples to update the system state.

API Documentation

Transaction mode (default)

By default, write runs in a transaction mode where any invalid operation (deleting a non-existing tuple, creating an existing tuple, one of the tuples was invalid) or a server error will fail the entire operation.

body := ClientWriteRequest{
    Writes: &[]ClientTupleKey{ {
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "viewer",
        Object:   "document:roadmap",
    }, {
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "viewer",
        Object:   "document:budget",
    } },
    Deletes: &[]ClientTupleKeyWithoutCondition{ {
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "writer",
        Object:   "document:roadmap",
    } }

options := ClientWriteOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString("01GAHCE4YVKPQEKZQHT2R89MQV"),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
data, err := fgaClient.Write(context.Background()).Body(body).Options(options).Execute()

Convenience WriteTuples and DeleteTuples methods are also available.

Non-transaction mode

The SDK will split the writes into separate chunks and send them in separate requests. Each chunk is a transaction. By default, each chunk is set to 1, but you may override that.

body := ClientWriteRequest{
    Writes: &[]ClientTupleKey{ {
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "viewer",
        Object:   "document:roadmap",
    }, {
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "viewer",
        Object:   "document:budget",
    } },
	  Deletes: &[]ClientTupleKeyWithoutCondition{ {
      User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
      Relation: "writer",
      Object:   "document:roadmap",
    } }

options := ClientWriteOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString("01GAHCE4YVKPQEKZQHT2R89MQV"),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
    Transaction: &TransactionOptions{
        Disable: true,
        MaxParallelRequests: 5, // Maximum number of requests to issue in parallel
        MaxPerChunk: 1, // Maximum number of requests to be sent in a transaction in a particular chunk
data, err := fgaClient.Write(context.Background()).Body(body).Options(options).Execute()

// data.Writes = [{
//   TupleKey: { User, Relation, Object },
//   HttpResponse: ... // http response"
// }, {
//   TupleKey: { User, Relation, Object },
//   HttpResponse: ... // http response"
//   Error: ...
// }]
// data.Deletes = [{
//   TupleKey: { User, Relation, Object },
//   HttpResponse: ... // http response"
// }]

Relationship Queries


Check if a user has a particular relation with an object.

API Documentation

Provide a tuple and ask the OpenFGA API to check for a relationship

body := ClientCheckRequest{
    User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Relation: "viewer",
    Object:   "document:roadmap",
    ContextualTuples: &[]ClientTupleKey{ {
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "editor",
        Object:   "document:roadmap",
    } },

options := ClientCheckOptions{
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString("01GAHCE4YVKPQEKZQHT2R89MQV"),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
data, err := fgaClient.Check(context.Background()).Body(body).Options(options).Execute()

// data = {"allowed":true,"resolution":""} // in JSON

fmt.Printf("%t", data.GetAllowed()) // True
Batch Check

Run a set of checks. Batch Check will return allowed: false if it encounters an error, and will return the error in the body. If 429s or 5xxs are encountered, the underlying check will retry up to 15 times before giving up.

options := ClientBatchCheckOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString("01GAHCE4YVKPQEKZQHT2R89MQV"),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
    MaxParallelRequests: openfga.PtrInt32(5), // Max number of requests to issue in parallel, defaults to 10

body := ClientBatchCheckBody{ {
    User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Relation: "viewer",
    Object:   "document:roadmap",
    ContextualTuples: &[]ClientTupleKey{ {
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "editor",
        Object:   "document:roadmap",
    } },
}, {
    User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Relation: "admin",
    Object:   "document:roadmap",
    ContextualTuples: &[]ClientTupleKey{ {
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "editor",
        Object:   "document:roadmap",
    } },
}, {
    User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Relation: "creator",
    Object:   "document:roadmap",
}, {
    User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Relation: "deleter",
    Object:   "document:roadmap",
} }

data, err := fgaClient.BatchCheck(context.Background()).Body(requestBody).Options(options).Execute()

data = [{
  Allowed: false,
  Request: {
    User: "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Relation: "viewer",
    Object: "document:roadmap",
    ContextualTuples: [{
      User: "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
      Relation: "editor",
      Object: "document:roadmap"
  HttpResponse: ...
}, {
  Allowed: false,
  Request: {
    User: "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Relation: "admin",
    Object: "document:roadmap",
    ContextualTuples: [{
      User: "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
      Relation: "editor",
      Object: "document:roadmap"
  HttpResponse: ...
}, {
  Allowed: false,
  Request: {
    User: "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Relation: "creator",
    Object: "document:roadmap",
  HttpResponse: ...,
  Error: <FgaError ...>
}, {
  Allowed: true,
  Request: {
    User: "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Relation: "deleter",
    Object: "document:roadmap",
  HttpResponse: ...,

Expands the relationships in userset tree format.

API Documentation

options := ClientExpandOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString("01GAHCE4YVKPQEKZQHT2R89MQV"),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
body := ClientExpandRequest{
    Relation: "viewer",
    Object:   "document:roadmap",
data, err := fgaClient.Expand(context.Background()).Body(requestBody).Options(options).Execute()

// data.Tree.Root = {"name":"document:roadmap#viewer","leaf":{"users":{"users":["user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b","user:f52a4f7a-054d-47ff-bb6e-3ac81269988f"]}}}

List Objects

List the objects of a particular type a user has access to.

API Documentation

options := ClientListObjectsOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString("01GAHCE4YVKPQEKZQHT2R89MQV"),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
body := ClientListObjectsRequest{
    User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Relation: "can_read",
    Type:     "document",
    ContextualTuples: &[]ClientTupleKey{ {
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "editor",
        Object:   "folder:product",
    }, {
        User:     "folder:product",
        Relation: "parent",
        Object:   "document:roadmap",
    } },
data, err := fgaClient.ListObjects(context.Background()).

// data.Objects = ["document:roadmap"]

List Relations

List the relations a user has on an object.

options := ClientListRelationsOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString("01GAHCE4YVKPQEKZQHT2R89MQV"),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
    // Max number of requests to issue in parallel, defaults to 10
    MaxParallelRequests: openfga.PtrInt32(5),
body := ClientListRelationsRequest{
    User:      "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
    Object:    "document:roadmap",
    Relations: []string{"can_view", "can_edit", "can_delete", "can_rename"},
    ContextualTuples: &[]ClientTupleKey{ {
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "editor",
        Object:   "document:roadmap",
    } },
data, err := fgaClient.ListRelations(context.Background()).

// data.Relations = ["can_view", "can_edit"]
List Users

List the users who have a certain relation to a particular type.

API Documentation

options := ClientListRelationsOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString("01GAHCE4YVKPQEKZQHT2R89MQV"),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
    // Max number of requests to issue in parallel, defaults to 10
    MaxParallelRequests: openfga.PtrInt32(5),

// Only a single filter is allowed by the API for the time being
userFilters := []openfga.UserTypeFilter{{ Type: "user" }}
// user filters can also be of the form
// userFilters := []openfga.UserTypeFilter{{ Type: "team", Relation: openfga.PtrString("member") }}

requestBody := ClientListUsersRequest{
    Object: openfga.FgaObject{
        Type: "document",
        Id:   "roadmap",
    Relation: "can_read",
    UserFilters: userFilters,
    ContextualTuples: []ClientContextualTupleKey{{
        User:     "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation: "editor",
        Object:   "folder:product",
    }, {
        User:     "folder:product",
        Relation: "parent",
        Object:   "document:roadmap",
    Context: &map[string]interface{}{"ViewCount": 100},
data, err := fgaClient.ListRelations(context.Background()).

// response.users = [{object: {type: "user", id: "81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b"}}, {userset: { type: "user" }}, ...]


Read Assertions

Read assertions for a particular authorization model.

API Documentation

options := ClientReadAssertionsOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString("01GAHCE4YVKPQEKZQHT2R89MQV"),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    StoreId: openfga.PtrString("01FQH7V8BEG3GPQW93KTRFR8JB"), 
data, err := fgaClient.ReadAssertions(context.Background()).

Write Assertions

Update the assertions for a particular authorization model.

API Documentation

options := ClientWriteAssertionsOptions{
    // You can rely on the model id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
    AuthorizationModelId: openfga.PtrString("01GAHCE4YVKPQEKZQHT2R89MQV"),
    // You can rely on the store id set in the configuration or override it for this specific request
requestBody := ClientWriteAssertionsRequest{
        User:        "user:81684243-9356-4421-8fbf-a4f8d36aa31b",
        Relation:    "can_view",
        Object:      "document:roadmap",
        Expectation: true,
data, err := fgaClient.WriteAssertions(context.Background()).


If a network request fails with a 429 or 5xx error from the server, the SDK will automatically retry the request up to 15 times with a minimum wait time of 100 milliseconds between each attempt.

To customize this behavior, create an openfga.RetryParams struct and assign values to the MaxRetry and MinWaitInMs fields. MaxRetry determines the maximum number of retries (up to 15), while MinWaitInMs sets the minimum wait time between retries in milliseconds.

Apply your custom retry values by passing this struct to the ClientConfiguration struct's RetryParams parameter.

import (

	openfga ""
	. ""

func main() {
	fgaClient, err := NewSdkClient(&ClientConfiguration{
		ApiUrl:               os.Getenv("FGA_API_URL"),                // required, e.g. https://api.fga.example
		StoreId:              os.Getenv("FGA_STORE_ID"),               // not needed when calling `CreateStore` or `ListStores`
		AuthorizationModelId: os.Getenv("FGA_MODEL_ID"), // optional, recommended to be set for production
		RetryParams: &openfga.RetryParams{
			MaxRetry:    3,   // retry up to 3 times on API requests
			MinWaitInMs: 250, // wait a minimum of 250 milliseconds between requests

	if err != nil {
		// .. Handle error

API Endpoints

Class Method HTTP request Description
OpenFgaApi Check Post /stores/{store_id}/check Check whether a user is authorized to access an object
OpenFgaApi CreateStore Post /stores Create a store
OpenFgaApi DeleteStore Delete /stores/{store_id} Delete a store
OpenFgaApi Expand Post /stores/{store_id}/expand Expand all relationships in userset tree format, and following userset rewrite rules. Useful to reason about and debug a certain relationship
OpenFgaApi GetStore Get /stores/{store_id} Get a store
OpenFgaApi ListObjects Post /stores/{store_id}/list-objects List all objects of the given type that the user has a relation with
OpenFgaApi ListStores Get /stores List all stores
OpenFgaApi ListUsers Post /stores/{store_id}/list-users List the users matching the provided filter who have a certain relation to a particular type.
OpenFgaApi Read Post /stores/{store_id}/read Get tuples from the store that matches a query, without following userset rewrite rules
OpenFgaApi ReadAssertions Get /stores/{store_id}/assertions/{authorization_model_id} Read assertions for an authorization model ID
OpenFgaApi ReadAuthorizationModel Get /stores/{store_id}/authorization-models/{id} Return a particular version of an authorization model
OpenFgaApi ReadAuthorizationModels Get /stores/{store_id}/authorization-models Return all the authorization models for a particular store
OpenFgaApi ReadChanges Get /stores/{store_id}/changes Return a list of all the tuple changes
OpenFgaApi Write Post /stores/{store_id}/write Add or delete tuples from the store
OpenFgaApi WriteAssertions Put /stores/{store_id}/assertions/{authorization_model_id} Upsert assertions for an authorization model ID
OpenFgaApi WriteAuthorizationModel Post /stores/{store_id}/authorization-models Create a new authorization model



This SDK supports producing metrics that can be consumed as part of an OpenTelemetry setup. For more information, please see the documentation



If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them on the sdk-generator repo issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker.

Pull Requests

All changes made to this repo will be overwritten on the next generation, so we kindly ask that you send all pull requests related to the SDKs to the sdk-generator repo instead.




This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

The code in this repo was auto generated by OpenAPI Generator from a template based on the go template, licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

This repo bundles some code from the package. You can find the code here and corresponding BSD-3 License.