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CDM 2021 03

SammyIsConfused edited this page Mar 5, 2021 · 4 revisions

openEQUELLA Community Dev Meeting March 2021

4th March 2021 4pm (US) / 5th March 2021 9am (AU)


  • Chair: Chris
  • Scribe: Sam

List of attendees: Samantha Fisher, Chris Beach, Ian Stevenson, Cath Fitzgerald, Christian Murphy, Penghai Zhang


General Topics

  • Review Action Items
  • Specific Topics (Please add to below list, or email the equella dev list to have an item added)
  • Discuss code enhancements since last CDM
  • Review tech choices, code structures, direction
  • Any tech debt concerns
  • Open PRs to discuss
  • Q&A
  • Assign next Chair and Scribe

Specific Topics

  • 2021.1 dropping support for IE11 (IS)
  • Wiki tidy up - be good to move all the minutes into an index and fix up the sidebar (IS)
  • Please add more


Action items review

  • IS - Add Autotest License headers

To be started soon.

  • IS: Setup Issue to flag move to upgrade to current Java LTS in the future (tech debt)

Ian has collected some info locally about this and just needs to work out some issues before putting it up.

  • IS: Decouple the frontend and the Rest API from the backend into NPM modules

Work continues on this - one main thing needing to happen is having the front end have its own authentication. An endpoint was created to login with, but the new UI login page doesn't use it yet and instead wraps the legacy login. This will be an on going ticket.

  • Research governance and committership tools similar to unifiedjs for oEQ

On hold until next oEQ Advisory Board meeting.

Specific Topics

  • 2021.1 dropping support for IE11 (IS)

We have come up against another IE11 Support issue related to the new (non-PureScript) attachment uploader - we've been trying to support IE11 as long as possible but we have decided to stop supporting this going forward from 2021.1. There is one adopter in the US still using the file manager which requires IE11.

  • Wiki tidy up - be good to move all the minutes into an index and fix up the sidebar (IS)

We need an archive page for our minutes as there are so many now that the old ones are hard to find. Having an index page would be a good idea.

ACTION ITEM: Sammy to create the index page.

  • Possibility Unicon could help with updating the postgres version of openEQUELLA. Sammy has done some light testing with the latest version and it seems to be fine.

ACTION ITEM: Create a branch that uses the latest postgres for testing on GHA.

  • Unicon have talked to Bb about application keys, and heard that any self hosted openEQUELLA can have its own.

Discuss code enhancements since last CDM

  • Brought in fp-ts - the intention is to use it pragmatically and sparingly where makes sense, rather than FP purism.

Review tech choices, code structures, direction

Nothing this week.

Any tech debt concerns

Nothing this week.

Open PRs to discuss

Nothing this week.


  • 2021.1 Release date?

Middle of April is the planned date. Finish off new Search UI, add download to CSV for search, and an attachment count in the search result template.

Next CDM is Apr 2nd Ian will Chair Samantha will scribe