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Refactor and fix deduplication in type enclosing.
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Deduplication can only be done if the type have been printed. We perform that printing only at the junction between the reconstructed identifier enclosings and the ones from the tree nodes because we often want to keep both. All other duplicated ranges are removed.
  • Loading branch information
voodoos committed Nov 21, 2024
1 parent 4eb18cc commit 5444aa2
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Showing 6 changed files with 137 additions and 112 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,3 +59,55 @@ let parse_identifier (config, source) pos =
"paths: [%s]"
(String.concat ~sep:";" ( path ~f:(fun l -> l.Location.txt)));

let reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos = function
| None ->
let config = Mpipeline.input_config pipeline in
let source = Mpipeline.raw_source pipeline in
let path = parse_identifier (config, source) pos in
let reify dot =
dot = ""
|| (dot.[0] >= 'a' && dot.[0] <= 'z')
|| (dot.[0] >= 'A' && dot.[0] <= 'Z')
then dot
else "( " ^ dot ^ ")"
match path with
| [] -> []
| base :: tail ->
let f { Location.txt = base; loc = bl } { Location.txt = dot; loc = dl }
let loc = Location_aux.union bl dl in
let txt = base ^ "." ^ reify dot in
Location.mkloc txt loc
[ List.fold_left tail ~init:base ~f ]
| Some (expr, offset) ->
let loc_start =
let l, c = Lexing.split_pos pos in
Lexing.make_pos (l, c - offset)
let shift loc int =
let l, c = Lexing.split_pos loc in
Lexing.make_pos (l, c + int)
let add_loc source =
let loc =
{ Location.loc_start;
loc_end = shift loc_start (String.length source);
loc_ghost = false
Location.mkloc source loc
let len = String.length expr in
let rec aux acc i =
if i >= len then List.rev_map ~f:add_loc (expr :: acc)
else if expr.[i] = '.' then
aux (String.sub expr ~pos:0 ~len:i :: acc) (succ i)
else aux acc (succ i)
aux [] offset
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/misc_utils.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,3 +31,11 @@ val parenthesize_name : string -> string
the location of each of its components. *)
val parse_identifier :
Mconfig.t * Msource.t -> Lexing.position -> modname Location.loc list

(** [reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos] returns growing ranges around [pos] and the
associated identifier. *)
val reconstruct_identifier :
Mpipeline.t ->
Lexing.position ->
(string * int) option ->
string Location.loc list
32 changes: 26 additions & 6 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
open Std
open Type_utils

let log_section = "type-enclosing"
let { Logger.log } = Logger.for_section log_section
Expand All @@ -7,11 +8,34 @@ type type_info =
| Modtype of Env.t * Types.module_type
| Type of Env.t * Types.type_expr
| Type_decl of Env.t * Ident.t * Types.type_declaration
| Type_constr of Env.t * Types.constructor_description
| String of string

type typed_enclosings =
(Location.t * type_info * Query_protocol.is_tail_position) list

let print_type ~verbosity type_info =
let ppf = Format.str_formatter in
let wrap_printing_env = Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~verbosity in
match type_info with
| Type (env, t) ->
wrap_printing_env env (fun () ->
print_type_with_decl ~verbosity env ppf t;
Format.flush_str_formatter ())
| Type_decl (env, id, t) ->
wrap_printing_env env (fun () ->
Printtyp.type_declaration env id ppf t;
Format.flush_str_formatter ())
| Type_constr (env, cd) ->
wrap_printing_env env (fun () ->
print_constr ~verbosity env ppf cd;
Format.flush_str_formatter ())
| Modtype (env, m) ->
wrap_printing_env env (fun () ->
Printtyp.modtype env ppf m;
Format.flush_str_formatter ())
| String s -> s

let from_nodes ~path =
let aux (env, node, tail) =
let open Browse_raw in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,14 +113,10 @@ let from_reconstructed ~nodes ~cursor ~verbosity exprs =
(* Retrieve the type from the AST when it is possible *)
| Some (Context.Constructor (cd, loc)) ->
log ~title:"from_reconstructed" "ctx: constructor %s" cd.cstr_name;
let ppf, to_string = Format.to_string () in
Type_utils.print_constr ~verbosity env ppf cd;
Some (loc, String (to_string ()), `No)
Some (loc, Type_constr (env, cd), `No)
| Some (Context.Label { lbl_name; lbl_arg; _ }) ->
log ~title:"from_reconstructed" "ctx: label %s" lbl_name;
let ppf, to_string = Format.to_string () in
Type_utils.print_type_with_decl ~verbosity env ppf lbl_arg;
Some (loc, String (to_string ()), `No)
Some (loc, Type (env, lbl_arg), `No)
| Some Context.Constant -> None
| _ -> (
let context = Option.value ~default:Context.Expr context in
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/type_enclosing.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,11 +38,14 @@ type type_info =
| Modtype of Env.t * Types.module_type
| Type of Env.t * Types.type_expr
| Type_decl of Env.t * Ident.t * Types.type_declaration
| Type_constr of Env.t * Types.constructor_description
| String of string

type typed_enclosings =
(Location.t * type_info * Query_protocol.is_tail_position) list

val print_type : verbosity:Mconfig.Verbosity.t -> type_info -> string

val from_nodes :
path:(Env.t * Browse_raw.node * Query_protocol.is_tail_position) list ->
Expand Down
136 changes: 45 additions & 91 deletions src/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,58 +199,6 @@ let dump pipeline = function
source, parsetree, ppxed-source, ppxed-parsetree, typedtree, \
env/fullenv (at {col:, line:})"

let reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos = function
| None ->
let config = Mpipeline.input_config pipeline in
let source = Mpipeline.raw_source pipeline in
let path = Misc_utils.parse_identifier (config, source) pos in
let reify dot =
dot = ""
|| (dot.[0] >= 'a' && dot.[0] <= 'z')
|| (dot.[0] >= 'A' && dot.[0] <= 'Z')
then dot
else "( " ^ dot ^ ")"
match path with
| [] -> []
| base :: tail ->
let f { Location.txt = base; loc = bl } { Location.txt = dot; loc = dl }
let loc = Location_aux.union bl dl in
let txt = base ^ "." ^ reify dot in
Location.mkloc txt loc
[ List.fold_left tail ~init:base ~f ]
| Some (expr, offset) ->
let loc_start =
let l, c = Lexing.split_pos pos in
Lexing.make_pos (l, c - offset)
let shift loc int =
let l, c = Lexing.split_pos loc in
Lexing.make_pos (l, c + int)
let add_loc source =
let loc =
{ Location.loc_start;
loc_end = shift loc_start (String.length source);
loc_ghost = false
Location.mkloc source loc
let len = String.length expr in
let rec aux acc i =
if i >= len then List.rev_map ~f:add_loc (expr :: acc)
else if expr.[i] = '.' then
aux (String.sub expr ~pos:0 ~len:i :: acc) (succ i)
else aux acc (succ i)
aux [] offset

let dispatch pipeline (type a) : a Query_protocol.t -> a = function
| Type_expr (source, pos) ->
let typer = Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline in
Expand All @@ -275,10 +223,14 @@ let dispatch pipeline (type a) : a Query_protocol.t -> a = function
| browse -> Browse_misc.annotate_tail_calls browse

let result = Type_enclosing.from_nodes ~path in
let enclosing_nodes =
let cmp (loc1, _, _) (loc2, _, _) = loc1 loc2 in
(* There might be duplicates in the list *)
Type_enclosing.from_nodes ~path |> List.dedup_adjacent ~cmp

(* enclosings of cursor in given expression *)
let exprs = reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos expro in
let exprs = Misc_utils.reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos expro in
let () =
Logger.log ~section:Type_enclosing.log_section
~title:"reconstruct identifier" "%a" Logger.json (fun () ->
Expand All @@ -303,41 +255,43 @@ let dispatch pipeline (type a) : a Query_protocol.t -> a = function
(fun fmt (loc, _, _) -> Location.print_loc fmt loc))

let ppf = Format.str_formatter in
let all_results =
List.mapi (small_enclosings @ result) ~f:(fun i (loc, text, tail) ->
let print =
match index with
| None -> true
| Some index -> index = i
let ret x = (loc, x, tail) in
match text with
| Type_enclosing.String str -> ret (`String str)
| Type_enclosing.Type (env, t) when print ->
Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~verbosity (fun () ->
Type_utils.print_type_with_decl ~verbosity env ppf t);
ret (`String (Format.flush_str_formatter ()))
| Type_enclosing.Type_decl (env, id, t) when print ->
Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~verbosity (fun () ->
Printtyp.type_declaration env id ppf t);
ret (`String (Format.flush_str_formatter ()))
| Type_enclosing.Modtype (env, m) when print ->
Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~verbosity (fun () ->
Printtyp.modtype env ppf m);
ret (`String (Format.flush_str_formatter ()))
| _ -> ret (`Index i))
let normalize ({ Location.loc_start; loc_end; _ }, text, _tail) =
(Lexing.split_pos loc_start, Lexing.split_pos loc_end, text)
(* We remove duplicates from the list. Duplicates can appear when the type
from the reconstructed identifier is the same as the one stored in the
typedtree *)
~f:(fun a b ->
if compare (normalize a) (normalize b) = 0 then Some b else None)
let same_loc (l1, _, _) (l2, _, _) = l1 l2 == 0 in
let print_type (loc, type_info, tail) =
let open Type_enclosing in
(loc, String (print_type ~verbosity type_info), tail)
let rec concat_dedup acc l1 l2 =
match (l1, l2) with
| [ last ], first :: rest ->
(* The last reconstructed enclosing might be a duplicate of the first
enclosing from the tree. We need to print these enclosings types to
check if they differ or not. *)
if same_loc last first then
let ((_, last_type, _) as last) = print_type last in
let ((_, first_type, _) as first) = print_type first in
if last_type = first_type then concat_dedup (first :: acc) [] rest
else concat_dedup (last :: acc) [] (first :: rest)
else concat_dedup (last :: acc) [] l2
| hd :: tl, _ -> concat_dedup (hd :: acc) tl l2
| [], _ -> List.rev_append acc l2
concat_dedup [] small_enclosings enclosing_nodes
List.mapi all_results ~f:(fun i (loc, text, tail) ->
let print =
match index with
| None -> true
| Some index -> index = i
let ret x = (loc, x, tail) in
match text with
| Type_enclosing.String str -> ret (`String str)
| type_info ->
if print then
let printed_type = Type_enclosing.print_type ~verbosity type_info in
ret (`String printed_type)
else ret (`Index i))
| Enclosing pos ->
let typer = Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline in
let structures = Mbrowse.of_typedtree (Mtyper.get_typedtree typer) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,7 +463,7 @@ let dispatch pipeline (type a) : a Query_protocol.t -> a = function
match patho with
| Some p -> p
| None ->
let path = reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos None in
let path = Misc_utils.reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos None in
let path = Mreader_lexer.identifier_suffix path in
let path = ~f:(fun { Location.txt; _ } -> txt) path in
String.concat ~sep:"." path
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -545,7 +499,7 @@ let dispatch pipeline (type a) : a Query_protocol.t -> a = function
match patho with
| Some p -> p
| None ->
let path = reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos None in
let path = Misc_utils.reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos None in
let path = Mreader_lexer.identifier_suffix path in
let path = ~f:(fun { Location.txt; _ } -> txt) path in
let path = String.concat ~sep:"." path in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -822,7 +776,7 @@ let dispatch pipeline (type a) : a Query_protocol.t -> a = function
let pos = Mpipeline.get_lexing_pos pipeline pos in
let env, _node = Mbrowse.leaf_node (Mtyper.node_at typer_result pos) in
let path =
let path = reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos None in
let path = Misc_utils.reconstruct_identifier pipeline pos None in
let path = Mreader_lexer.identifier_suffix path in
let path = ~f:(fun { Location.txt; _ } -> txt) path in
let path = String.concat ~sep:"." path in
Expand Down
18 changes: 3 additions & 15 deletions tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/generic-types.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ With index 0 only the first type is shown:
"line": 1,
"col": 16
"type": 1,
"type": "(int -> int) -> int list -> int list",
"tail": "no"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,18 +176,6 @@ next type was not rendered.
"type": "(int -> int) -> int list -> int list",
"tail": "no"
"start": {
"line": 2,
"col": 8
"end": {
"line": 2,
"col": 16
"type": 1,
"tail": "no"
"start": {
"line": 2,
Expand All @@ -197,7 +185,7 @@ next type was not rendered.
"line": 2,
"col": 27
"type": 2,
"type": 1,
"tail": "no"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,7 +220,7 @@ should have been shorter earlier.
"line": 2,
"col": 27
"type": 2,
"type": "int list",
"tail": "no"
Expand Down

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