Anonymize Kafka topics while mirroring them on the fly. Just pass a config file describing your topics and schema (and Kafka cluster connections) and start the service / container.
- Start docker compose setup:
yarn setup
- Produce some message to input topic:
echo '{"test": 2, "abc":"cba", "id": "1", "mail": "[email protected]", "a":["test"], "b":[{"c":0},{"d":1}, {"c":1}], "z": [["test"],[]], "d": [[{"e": 0}, {"ex": 1}]], "f": [{"g": "g", "t": 1},"test"], "y": [1,2,3,4,5], "x":[{"x": 1, "y": 2}, {"g":2}] }' | kafka-console-producer --topic input --broker-list localhost:9092
- Show output message in output topic :
kafka-console-consumer --topic output --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
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