Simple REST API framework for NethVoice. This is based on Slim framework: API design inspired by
The code must be installed under /var/www/html/freepbx/rest
Eeach request must include 2 HTTP header:
: must be a valid FreePBX administrator (ampusers table)Secretkey
: must be a valid hash
The Secretkey must be calculated using the following parameters:
- user: the same value of
header - password: password of the user in sha1 hash format
- secret: shared static secret between client and server; default is:
Javascript example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="rest/sha1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var user = "admin";
var password = sha1("admin");
var secret = "1234";
var hash = sha1(user + password + secret);
console.log("Secretkey: " + hash);
Generate the secret key from bash:
secret=$(cat /var/lib/nethserver/secrets/nethvoice); \
pass=$(echo -n $pass | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}'); \
echo -n $user$pass$secret | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}'
To add a new module, create a php file inside the modules
directory. All modules automatically have access to all FreePBX variables like $db
and $astman
use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
use \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
$app->get('/magic/list', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {
global $db;
global $astman;
... do your magic here ..
return $response->withJson($result);
You can spawn a long running process using ptrack command.
How it works:
- the library invokes ptrack along with the command to be executed
- ptrack creates a new socket, forks in background and executes the command
- the command must write its own status inside ptrack socket (many NethServer commands already support it)
- a client can read from ptrack socket the status of the running task
Start a new task:
$st = new SystemTasks();
$taskId = $st->startTask("/usr/bin/sudo /usr/libexec/nethserver/pkgaction --install nethserver-directory");
Read the status of a task:
$st = new SystemTasks();
$task = $st->getTaskStatus($taskId);
Retrieve the secret code
POST /testauth
Parameter: { "username": "myuser", "password": "myPassword" }
JSon result:
- {result: "1234"}
- user: admin
- password: admin
- secret: 1234
curl -kvL https://localhost/freepbx/rest/login -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User: admin" -H "Secretkey: 51b3bfeb54d746a8c8989e71dd8be757787d1adc"
Retrieve all users
GET /users
Count all users
GET /users/count
Retrieve a specific user by username
GET /users/{id}
Create a new user or edit an existing one.
JSON body: {"username" : "myuser", "fullname" : "my full name"}
POST /users
Set user password
POST /users/{username}/password
Parameter: { "password": "mypass" }
Get user password in clear-text
GET /users/{username}/password
Force user synchronization
POST /users/sync
Check mode status.
Legacy mode is enabled if:
- nethserver-directory is installed
- nethvoice{LegacyMode} prop is set to enabled
{'result' => "legacy" }
if legacy mode is enabled{'result' => "uc" }
if UC mode is enabled{'result' => 'unknown' }
if mode isn't set
GET configuration/mode
Enable selected <mode>
. Valid modes are:
: set nethvoice{LegacyMode} to enabled, start nethserver-directory installation using ptrackuc
: set nethvoice{LegacyMode} to disabled
JSON Body:
"mode" : <mode>
Legacy mode can't be reverted.
{'result' => <task_id> }
if legacy mode is set{'result' => "success" }
if uc mode is set
The task_id
is a md5 hash. It can be used to retrieve the task progress using the tasks module.
POST /configuration/mode
GET /configuration/networks
Return green ip addresses and their netmasks
Get the status of the given task_id
task: the task id
action: current executing action
progress: total progress
{ "task": "d56c79f9373a2f2f9ccd8a0ac3c46eb4", "action": "S10nethserver-directory-conf", "progess": 59 }
GET /tasks/{task_id}
Retrieve all Main Extensions
GET /mainextensions
Retrieve a Main Extension by its own extension number
GET /mainextensions/{extnumber}
Create a new Main Extension
POST /mainextensions
Parameter: { "username": "myuser", "extension": "extnumber"[,"outboundcid" : "outboundcid" ] }
Retrieve all Physical Extensions
GET /physicalextensions
Retrieve a Physical Extension by its own extension number
GET /physicalextensions/{extnumber}
Create a new Physical Extension. If extension number is given, API is going to create/edit the requested extension number, otherwise a new extension with first available extension number between 9[1-7] mainextnumber.
POST /physicalextensions
Parameter: { "mainextension": "mainextnumber" [, "extension": "extensionnumber"]}
Delete physical extension
DELETE /physicalextensions/{extension|mac}
Change admin user web interface password for all physical extensions
POST /physicalextensions/adminpw
Parameters: { "password": "PASSWORD" }
Create a mobile app extension
POST /mobileapp
Parameter: {"mainextension": MAINEXTENSION}
Get mobile app extensions for a mainextension
GET /mobileapp/{mainextension}
Delete a mobile app extension
DELETE /mobileapp/{extension}
Retrieve list of all voicemails
GET /voicemails
Retrieve voicemail for a specific extension (Mainextension)
GET /voicemails/{extension}
Enable voicemail for an extension
POST /voicemails
Parameters: {"extension":"mainextension"}
Launch a network scan creating two files: MD5.phones.scan and MD5.gateways.scan in /var/run/nethvoice, where MD5 is the MD5 hash of given network. Return long run process id
POST /devices/scan
Parameter: { "network": ""}
Set phone model
POST /devices/phones/model
Parameter: { mac: "C4:64:13:3D:15:F7", vendor: "Cisco/Linksys", model: "ATA186" }
Get phones scanned from all netwotks
GET /devices/phones/list
Get brand from mac scanned
{mac} is the device mac (example: 00:50:58:50:C3:3C)
Get phone SIP credential:
GET /phones/account/{mac}
Get gateways scanned from all netwotks
GET /devices/gateways/list
Get phones scanned from specific network
GET /devices/phones/list/{id}
{id} is md5(NETWORK) where NETWORK is the network in cidr format (example:
Get gateways scanned from specific network
GET /devices/gateways/list/{id}
{id} is md5(NETWORK) where NETWORK is the network in cidr format (example:
Get supported phones
GET /devices/phones/manufacturers
Get supported gateways
GET /devices/gateways/manufacturers
Create/Update configuration for a gateway
POST /devices/gateways
"name": "Patton 1234",
"mac": "00:A0:BA:0B:1C:DA",
"ipv4": "",
"ipv4_new": "",
"manufacturer": "Patton",
"gateway": "",
"model": "8",
"trunks_isdn": [{
"name": 2005,
"type": "pp"
}, {
"name": 2006,
"type": "pmp"
"trunks_pri": [{
"linked_trunk": 2005
"trunks_fxo": [{
"number": "072112345",
"linked_trunk": 2005
}, {
"number": "072112346",
"linked_trunk": 2006
"users_fxs": [{
"linked_user": "stefanof"
Create configuration in tftp and push it to gateway
POST /devices/gateways/push
Parameters: {"name": "name"}
Delete configuration for a device
DELETE /devices/gateways
Parameters: {"name": "name"}
Retrieve inbound routes
GET /inboundroutes
Create an inbound routes
POST /inboundroutes
Parameter: { "cidnum": "cidnumber", "extension": "extensionnumber", "mohclass": "default" [, "destination": "<val>", "faxexten": "<val>", "faxemail": "<val>", "answer": "<val>", "wait": "<val>", "privacyman": "<val>", "alertinfo": "<val>", "ringing": "<val>", "description": "<val>", "grppre": "<val>", "delay_answer": "<val>", "pricid": "<val>", "pmmaxretries": "<val>", "pmminlength": "<val>", "reversal": "<val>" ] }
Delete an inbound route
DELETE /inboundroutes/{id}
Retrieve outbound routes
GET /outboundroutes
Retrieve default outbound routes
GET /outboundroutes/defaults
"it": [
"name": "national_it",
"trunks": [
{ "name": "patton_1_isdn_1", "id": "2001" },
{ "name": "patton_2_isdn_2", "id": "2002" }
"name": "international_it",
"trunks": [
{ "name": "patton_1_isdn_1", "id": "2001" },
{ "name": "patton_2_isdn_2", "id": "2002" }
"en": ...
Create an outbound route
POST /outboundroutes
Delete outbound routes
DELETE /outboundroutes/{id}
Get list of supported patterns for outbound routes
GET /outboundroutes/supportedLocales
Retrieve list of all mobile phones and associated users
GET /mobiles
Retrieve mobile phone for a specific user
GET /mobiles/username
Create or edit mobile phone for a user
POST /mobiles
Parameters: {"username": "username", "mobile": "mobile"} mobile is the phone number of user
Retrieve all Trunks
GET /trunks
Retrieve all Trunks by used technology (e.g. "sip", "dahdi", ...)
GET /trunks/{tech}
Create a new trunk
POST /trunks
Parameters: ���{ "provider": "<provider>",
"name": "<name>",
"username": "<username>",
"password": "<password>",
"phone": "<phone number>",
"codec": "<codec1>,<codec2>,...",
"forceCodec": <true | false>
Retrieve all providers
GET /providers
"descrizione": "Eutelia",
"dettpeer": "disallow=all↵allow...",
"dettuser": "allow=CODECS↵conte...",
"provider": "eutelia",
"registration": "USERNAME:PASSW..."
Get allowed codecs for VoIP trunks, ordered and enabled
GET /codecs/voip
There are three API to manage phones reboot:
Plan phones reboot:
POST /phones/reboot
"00-11-22-33-44-55": {}
If "hours" and "minutes" are omitted, phones are rebooted immediately.
This API returns list of mac address with a status code for each mac. For instance:
"00-11-22-33-44-61a": {
"title": "Malformed MAC address",
"detail": "Malformed MAC address: 00-11-22-33-44-61a",
"code": 400
"00-11-22-33-44-91": {
"code": 204
DELETE /phones/reboot
Removes phones to rebbot saved into crontab. Parameters:
Return is the same as POST
GET /phones/reboot
This API return configured reboot in crontab:
"00-11-22-33-44-91": {
"hours": "22",
"minutes": "22"
"00-11-22-33-44-92": {
"hours": "22",
"minutes": "22"
Remote provisioning "RPS" allows to configure Yealink, Snom, Gigaset and Fanvil phones provisioning endpoint without configuring option 66 on DHCP It has been introduced with new provisioning engine.
POST /phones/rps/{mac}
"url": "{mac}.cfg"
Falconieri1 RPS gateway will insert the given url
into the vendor cloud service. Ensure the URL file name and path components are URL-encoded, i.e. %
is escaped as %25
and so on...
GET /provisioning/engine
return provisioning engine configured in configuration db nethvoice ProvisioningEngine prop. Possible values are "freepbx" or "tancredi"
External IP is used by SIP to configure NAT. There are three APIs:
GET /configuration/externalip
return the configured external IP
POST /configuration/externalip/{ip}
Set the external IP
GET /configuration/suggestedip
Return the external IP as seen from an external service
SIP NAT configuration, requires the lost of networks to be used without NAT, that can be configured with these two APIs:
GET /configuration/localnetworks
Return the current configured localnetworks, for example:
POST /configuration/localnetworks
Accept a JSON array of local networks and CIDR mask in body:
POST /configuration/voicemailgooglestt/<enabled|disabled>
"enabled" or "disabled" google speech recognition feature for voicemail attachment
GET /configuration/voicemailgooglestt
return google speech STT for voicemail attachment status. Valid values "enabled" or "disabled"
POST /configuration/googleauth
"file": [Base 64 encoded google authentication JSON file]
upload the google's auth json file into /home/asterisk/google-auth.json
GET /configuration/allowexternalsips
return the status of external SIPS access: "enabled" or "disabled"
POST /configuration/allowexternalsips/<enabled|disabled>
enable or disable access to SIPS from red interfaces (and to RTP ports)
GET /extensions/{extension}/srtp
Return (true|false) if the extension has srtp enabled
POST /extensions/{extension}/srtp/(true|false)
Enable or disable SRTP for the extension
This API check the hostname or ip used for provisioning, verifing that it's reachable. It also try to use https to verify if certificate is valid
POST /provisioning/connectivitycheck
"host" : "",
"scheme": "https"
can be (string)http
can be a FQDN host name or IP address
"host_type": "FQDN",
"is_reachable" : true,
"valid_certificate" : true
can be a string,FQDN
is a booleanvalid_certficate
is a boolean
This API return system LDAP phonebooks settings
GET /phonebook/ldap
"ldap": {
"tls" : "none",
"base" : "dc=phonebook,dc=nh",
"name_display" : "%cn %o",
"mainphone_number_attr" : "telephoneNumber",
"mobilephone_number_attr" : "mobile",
"otherphone_number_attr" : "homePhone",
"name_attr" : "cn o",
"number_filter" : "(|(telephoneNumber=%)(mobile=%)(homePhone=%))",
"name_filter" : "(|(cn=%)(o=%))"
"tls" : "ldaps",
"base" : "dc=phonebook,dc=nh",
"name_display" : "%cn %o",
"mainphone_number_attr" : "telephoneNumber",
"mobilephone_number_attr" : "mobile",
"otherphone_number_attr" : "homePhone",
"name_attr" : "cn o",
"number_filter" : "(|(telephoneNumber=%)(mobile=%)(homePhone=%))",
"name_filter" : "(|(cn=%)(o=%))"
Enable or disable the centralized phonebook to LDAP
POST /phonebook/ldap/status/[enabled|disabled]
Enable or disable the centralized phonebook to LDAP with SSL
POST /phonebook/ldaps/status/[enabled|disabled]
This API return system phonebooks sources options
GET /phonebook/sources
"extensions" : true,
"nethcti" : true,
"speeddial" : true
Enable or disable extensions of PBX
POST /phonebook/sources/extensions/[enabled|disabled]
Enable or disable public contacts of NethCTI
POST /phonebook/sources/nethcti/[enabled|disabled]
Enable or disable speed dials of PBX
POST /phonebook/sources/speeddial/[enabled|disabled]
This API return the conference URL
GET /settings/conferenceurl
Set the conference URL
POST /conference/conferenceurl
"url" : ""
can be aFQDN configuration file is generated by NethServer templates. Here there is an example:
$config = [
'settings' => [
'secretkey' => '1234',
'cti_config_path' => '/etc/nethcti'
This helper change all mobile app extensions from old native version to the new Acrobit one
php /var/www/html/freepbx/rest/lib/appMigrationHelper.php
launch it with --restore
option to convert back extensions to old app