This Collectd Python plugin allows to monitor Asterisk queues and trigger Collectd notifications
Copy in python 2.7 path (probably /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages)
Copy asterisk_monitor.conf in collectd configuration directory (/etc/collectd.d/) and edit it
restart collectd
systemctl restart collectd
Host: AMI host. Default: localhost
Hostname: Hostname used in collectd data. Default is socket.gethostname() result
Port: AMI port. Default: 5038
CollectdSocket: collectd socket, used to send notifications. Default: /var/run/collectd.sock
Username: AMI username
Secret: AMI secret
EnableGraphs: save data to collectd .rrd db. Default True
EnableNotifications: send notifications to collectd. Default True
MaxCallPerOp : queuefewop notification is triggered if there are more than MaxCallPerOp calls for each operator. Default: 2
MaxCalls: queuemaxwait notification is triggered if there are more than MaxCalls waiting and the first call waiting time is more than CallersMaxWait. Default 10
MaxHoldtime: queueload notification is triggered if there are more than MaxCalls waiting and holdtime is more than MaxHoldtime. Also queueholdtime notification is triggered if holdtime is > than MaxHoldtime Default 120
CallersMaxWait: queuemaxwait notification is triggered if there are more than MaxCalls waiting and the first call waiting time is more than CallersMaxWait. Default 250 seconds.
Debug: If enabled, debug information is logged in syslog. Default: False