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Bob Magic II edited this page Aug 18, 2016 · 5 revisions

Current Status

Installable Via Composer

Requires minimum-stability = dev as there are no releases yet. Once a release point has been reached it will work with normal sane versions as you would expect any other project.

  • $ composer require netherphp/senpai dev-master

Creates Project Files

Project configuration is done via a senpai.json file where you can define things as where it should look to find code you want documented. A boiler plate file can be created with the command line utility.

  • $ senpai create (if [./vendor/bin|.\vendor\bin] is in your [$PATH|%PATH%])
  • $ php vendor/bin/senpai create (Unixy OSen)
  • > vendor\bin\senpai create (Windows OSen)

Currently the file looks like this.

    "Paths": [
    "Extensions": [

Where Paths is an array of directories or files you want scanned, and Extensions is a list of file extensions to watch out for when scanning an entire directory.

Prints Tree of Code

It dumps a tree of your code out to the console. That is about the extent of what it can do for the moment.

  • $ senpai build

Console Output

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