Hello from the people who like to code, here is an example of auction system work,
Stack for the backend : NestJS, Prisma ORM, GraphQL
Stack for the frontend : ReactJS, ApolloClient, AntDesign, Redux and Framer Motion
Table of Contents
As you can see above, those are examples how this app looks like, no auction time expired, so if an auction was expired, people still place their bid on the auction
This project is built under these awesome libraries
This section is how you setup the app on your own project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Install all dependencies, server and client
Install all dependencies inside every service folders
cd server && npm install && cd ../client && npm install
Copy the
file and rename it with.env
cp .env.example .env
Start the server and client
cd server && npm start:dev cd client && npm start
To access the api, open
- Graphql playground
- Client
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Nasrul - @nasrulfuad88 - [email protected]
Project Link: Mini Auction System
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