Ansible role for FreeSwitch 1.6
- Tested on Ansible 2.0 or higher.
sudo apt-get install -y ansible
The role variables and default values.
freeswitch_conf_dir: '/etc/freeswitch' # Configuration directory
freeswitch_symlinks: True # default FS layout in /usr/local/freeswitch by creating symlinks
freeswitch_install_conf: True # Allow the installation of the configuration files - Could be disabled when updating
freeswitch_conf_backup_dir: '/etc/freeswitch.orig' # Backup configuration directory
freeswitch_config_template_dir: '../templates/freeswitch/config' # Templates directory used for FreeSwitch configuration
freeswitch_config_list: # List of templates config files with ending ".j2"
- autoload_configs/console.conf.xml.j2
- autoload_configs/logfile.conf.xml.j2
- autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml.j2
- autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml.j2
- autoload_configs/syslog.conf.xml.j2
freeswitch_install_script: True # Allow the installation of the script files - Could be disabled when updating
freeswitch_script_dir: '/usr/share/freeswitch/scripts' # Script directory
freeswitch_script_backup_dir: '/usr/share/freeswitch/scripts.orig' # Backup cscript directory
freeswitch_script_template_dir: '../templates/freeswitch/scripts' # Templates directory used for FreeSwitch script
freeswitch_script_list: # List of templates script files with ending ".j2"
- test.lua.j2
freeswitch_packages: # FreeSwitch packages to be installed
- freeswitch-meta-all
- freeswitch-all-dbg
- gdb
freeswitch_log_mapping: <map name="err" value="debug,info,notice,warning,err,crit,alert"/>
freeswitch_log_max_rotate: <!-- <param name="maximum-rotate" value="32"/> -->
freeswitch_max_db_handles: 50 # Maximum number of simultaneous DB handles open
freeswitch_db_handle_timeout: 10 # Maximum number of seconds to wait for a new DB handle before failing
freeswitch_min_idle_cpu: 25 # Minimum idle CPU before refusing calls
freeswitch_max_sessions: 1000 # Max number of sessions to allow at any given time
freeswitch_sessions_per_second: 30 # Most channels to create per second
freeswitch_global_loglevel: debug # Default Global Log Level - value is one of debug,info,notice,warning,err,crit,alert
freeswitch_rtp_start_port: 16384
freeswitch_rtp_end_port: 32768
odbc_install: false
odbc_packages_install: false
- unixodbc-bin
- unixodbc-dev
odbc_postgresql_install: false
- odbc-postgresql
postgresql_packages_install: false
odbc_template_dir: '../templates/odbc' # Templates directory used for ODBC
odbc_port: 5432
odbc_database: 'mydatabase'
odbc_user: 'myuser'
odbc_password: 'mypass'
odbc_tracefile: '/tmp/psqlodbc.log'
fail2ban_install: False # Default : fail2ban will not be installed
fail2ban_local_jail_file: /etc/fail2ban/jail.local # fail2ban jail file for FreeSwitch
fail2ban_filter_dir: /etc/fail2ban/filter.d # fail2ban filter directory
fail2ban_local_jail: ../templates/fail2ban/jail.local # fail2ban template jail for FreeSwitch
fail2ban_fs: ../templates/fail2ban/freeswitch.conf # Fail2ban filter template for FreeSwitch
fail2ban_dos_fs: ../templates/fail2ban/freeswitch-dos.conf # Fail2ban filter template for freeswitch dos
sngrep_install: False # Default : sngrep will not be installed
ntp_install: False # Default : time sync will not be configured
ntp_servers: '{{ ntp_servers_map[ansible_distribution]
| d(ntp_servers_map["default"]) }}'
'Debian': [ '', '',
'', '' ]
'Ubuntu': [ '', '',
'', '' ]
'default': [ '', '',
'', '' ]
ntp_timezone: 'Europe/Paris'
ntp_timesyncd_template : ../templates/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf.d/ansible.conf.j2
Add mwolff44.freeswitch-mw
to your roles ans setup the variables in your playbook file. Example :
- hosts: all
- 'defaults/main.yml'
- include: 'tasks/main.yml'
- include: 'handlers/main.yml'
Licensed under the GPL v3 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
A special thank to : Bruno SALZANO / [email protected]
Mathias WOLFF / Blog des télécoms - PyFreeBilling