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Instagram Basic Display API plugin for Wordpress


Follow the directions here to create a Basic Display App for your Wordpress site:

Change the following settings under Products > Instagram > Basic Display:

Valid OAuth Redirect URIs https://<>/wp-admin/

Deauthorize: https://<>/

Data Deletion Request URL: https://<>/

User Token Generator: Add the Instagram account here you will be pulling content from. You can pull content from one account at a time and accounts you own/have the credentials for.

You do not need to perform an App Review.

The following definitions need to be added to your wp-config.php file:

 * Instagram API Creds
define('INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID', '<your instagram app id>');
define('INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_SECRET', '<your instagram app secret>');

Upload the plugin to your WordPress site and activate it

After activating the plugin you will see a message in the Wordpress Admin asking you to authenticate the Instagram account you added as a test user in the previous step.

API Functions


Performs a call to me/media as described here: Handles item pagination for large request limits. Returns the json decoded response directly from the Basic Display API.

Example Code

This PHP code pulls the six most recent items from your instagram account.

$instagram_posts = instagram_get_user_items( array( 'limit' => 6 ) );
if( !empty( $instagram_posts ) ):
  <div class="instagram-feed" data-chaos-modal-gallery="instagram">
    for( $i = 0; $i < $instagram_posts->count; $i++ ):
      $instagram_post = $instagram_posts->data[$i];
      $title = htmlspecialchars( $instagram_post->caption );
      $caption = htmlspecialchars( nl2br( $instagram_post->caption ) ) . htmlspecialchars( '<br /><br /><a href="'.$instagram_post->permalink.'">View Full Post by @'.$instagram_post->username.' on Instagram</a>' );
      $thumbnail = $instagram_post->media_url;
      if( !empty( $instagram_post->thumbnail_url ) )
        $thumbnail = $instagram_post->thumbnail_url; 
      if( empty($thumbnail) )
        continue; //Skip instagrams with no valid images.
      ?><div class="item">
        <a href="<?php echo $instagram_post->media_url; ?>" class="chaos-modal-link" title="<?php echo $title; ?>" data-chaos-modal-caption="<?php echo $caption; ?>">
          <img src="<?php echo $thumbnail; ?>" alt="<?php echo $title; ?>" />

The HTML is formatted for use with the jquery-chaos-modal script here: