HamAlerts to Discord Webook
Using an Ubuntu Linux Machine follow the below steps:
To Set up HamAlert and Discord Connections:
- Create trigger on https://hamalert.org and have it action "Telnet"
- Create a linux machine and install python3 sudo apt install python3-pip pip install requests
- Create your python file and copy the information from hamalert.py
- Edit HAMALERT USERNAME, PASSWORD, and DISCORD WEBHOOK to be your information
- Follow the following guide to run python as a service in your operating system. This works for Ubuntu as well! https://gist.github.com/emxsys/a507f3cad928e66f6410e7ac28e2990f
- Enjoy!
To create a discord webhook follow the below instructions:
- Server Settings
- Integrations
- Webooks
- New Webhook
- Change Name to anything you desire and set channel to where you want spots to output
- Copy the URL and paste into your hamalert.py
Created by W2ORT Matthew O. https://w2ort.com
Updated and heavily corrected by: Dylon N6MX Devin KN6PHZ
Special Thanks to: Mark KD7DTS and the W6TRW Club!