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Add dependency (example)

        <id>Generate MyBatis Artifacts</id>
      <!--mysql As an example-->

Plugin usage

LombokPlugin (lombok generation)

property defaults introduction
data false include getter,setter,toString,equalsAndHashCode,requiredArgsConstructor
getter false getter
setter false getter
toString false toString
equalsAndHashCode false equalsAndHashCode
builder false builder
noArgsConstructor false noArgsConstructor
allArgsConstructor false allArgsConstructor
requiredArgsConstructor false requiredArgsConstructor
  • The <plugin> element is a child element of the <context> element. Any number of plugins can be specified in the context.
<plugin type="io.github.mioxs.mybatis.LombokPlugin">
    <property name="data" value="true"/>
    <property name="builder" value="true"/>
    <property name="noArgsConstructor" value="true"/>
    <property name="allArgsConstructor" value="true"/>

DomainPlugin (Entity class extension)

property defaults introduction
serializable false Whether to implement Serializable
dateSerialize false Date serialization only supports JDK 8 date types
json null Date deserialization only supports JDK8 date types (options: fastJson, jackson)
  • The <plugin> element is a child element of the <context> element. Any number of plugins can be specified in the context.
<plugin type="io.github.mioxs.mybatis.DomainPlugin">
    <property name="serializable" value="true"/>
    <property name="dateSerialize" value="true"/>
    <property name="json" value="jackson"/>

RepositoryPlugin (Data Access Object DAO Extension)

property defaults introduction
suppressAllComments false Whether to remove the generated comments
repository null Dao parent class, default is null
  • The <plugin> element is a child element of the <context> element. Any number of plugins can be specified in the context.
<plugin type="io.github.mioxs.mybatis.RepositoryPlugin">
    <property name="suppressAllComments" value="true"/>
    <property name="repository" value="org.example.MybatisRepository"/>

ServicePlugin (Service generation)

property defaults introduction
targetProject null Generate path example: src/main/java
targetPackage null generate package path example: org.example.service
basicService null service interface parent class default is null
basicServiceImpl null serviceImpl parent class, default is null

*The <plugin> element is a child element of the <context> element. Any number of plugins can be specified in the context.

<plugin type="io.github.mioxs.mybatis.ServicePlugin">
   <property name="targetProject" value="src/main/java"/>
   <property name="targetPackage" value="org.example.service"/>
   <property name="basicService" value="org.example.BaseService"/>
   <property name="basicServiceImpl" value="org.example.BaseServiceImpl"/>

ControllerPlugin (Controller generation)

property defaults introduction
targetProject null Generate path example: src/main/java
targetPackage null Generate package path example: org.example.controller
rest false true for @RestController, false for @Controller
respond null The controller returns the result set. The default is null
  • The <plugin> element is a child element of the <context> element. Any number of plugins can be specified in the context.
<plugin type="io.github.mioxs.mybatis.ControllerPlugin">
   <property name="targetProject" value="src/main/java"/>
   <property name="targetPackage" value="org.example.controller"/>
   <property name="rest" value="true"/>
   <property name="respond" value="org.example.Respond"/>
Generate impressions (partial code)
public class ExampleController {

    private ExampleService exampleService;
    public Respond findAll() {
       return null;


  • Idea opens the right side maven->plugins->mybatis-generator-> mybatis-generator:generator Click to execute
  • Or mvn mybatis-generator:generator


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