Run the following command to install plugins and link files.
curl -sL | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher
fish -c "fisher update"
Download and install the Nord colour theme for iterm:
Create maildb directories e.g.
mkdir -p ~/.maildb/michaelbarton
Create offlineimaprc files
cp ~/.dotfiles/offlineimap/rc.osx ~/.offlineimaprc
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/offlineimap/ ~/
Check the expected openssl file exists: /usr/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem
. If
not see the openssl certificate section below.
Create a gmail application password in the gmail web page. Then create a corresponding keychain entry with this password:
security add-generic-password -a -s -w
Test that this password is correct by running offlineimap once. If there are
any issues make sure the account name in the KeyChain App matches that used in
the offlineimaprc
Set up launchctl to run offlineimap map automatically.
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/offlineimap/ ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
Setup the mutt colour scheme section.
mkdir ~/.mutt
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/solarized/mutt-colors-solarized/mutt-colors-solarized-dark-256.muttrc ~/.mutt/colors
Copy the corresponding msmtprc file. Ensure that the password fetch command is correct in this file.
cp ~/.dotfiles/osx.rc ~/.msmtprc
The offlineimap program requires that a cert.pem
file is available. The
location of file is configured by the offlineimaprc file. Depending on where
homebrew is installed this may be in a location like $(brew --prefix)/etc/[email protected]/cert.pem
- Double check the path of the executable in the plist file points to the homebrew installed location of offline imap. If homebrew is installed to a different location this path may not be correct.
- See:
Install common apt packages
# Add gh command line source package repo
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key C99B11DEB97541F0
sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt update
xargs -a data/apt-packages sudo apt install --yes
Copy the msmtprc file manually, since a symlink is not recognised by the program.
cp ~/.dotfiles/msmtprc ~/.msmtprc
chmod 600 ~/.msmptprc
Disable app armour for msmtp. This is required for it to be able to run the command that fetches the password from lastpass.
sudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.msmtp /etc/apparmor.d/disable/
sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.msmtp
Store the gmail application password as an ubuntu secret:
secret-tool store --label='Gmail application password' password gmail
Set up the systemd scripts to run offlineimap as a systemd timer.
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/offlineimap/rc.linux ~/.offlineimaprc
sudo ln -s ${HOME}/.dotfiles/systemd/user/offlineimap.service /etc/systemd/user/
sudo ln -s ${HOME}/.dotfiles/systemd/user/offlineimap.timer /etc/systemd/user/
# Checks the that the timer is valid
systemd-analyze verify /etc/systemd/user/offlineimap.timer
# Enable the service and start a first job
systemctl --user enable offlineimap.service offlineimap.timer
systemctl --user start offlineimap.timer
# Check that offlineimap worked successfully
journalctl | grep offlineimap