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Merchi product form for Next.js

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npm install merchi_product_form


yarn add merchi_product_form


import MerchiProductForm from 'merchi_product_form';
import { notFound } from 'next/navigation';

export async function fetchProduct(id: number) {
  const url = `${id}/`;
  try {
    const response = await fetch(url, fetchOptions);
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
    const responseJson = await response.json();
    return responseJson.product;
  } catch (e: any) {
    throw new Error(e);

export default async function Page({ params: { id } } : { params: { id: number } }) {
  const initProduct = await fetchProduct(id);
  if (!dataProduct) return notFound();
  const onBuyNow = (job: Job) => console.log(job);
  const onGetQuote = (job: Job) => console.log(job);
  return (


Name Type Default Description
apiUrl string? '' The api url for merchi
allowAddToCart boolean? undefined Controls if the add to cart button is shown
btnNameAddToCart string? undefined The text on the add to cart button
classNameAlertSellerEditable string? 'alert alert-light' Class for the seller editable alert element
classNameButtonSubmit string? 'btn btn-primary w-100 merchi-embed-form_button-submit' Class for the Submit button element
classNameButtonGroupAdd string? 'btn btn-white' Class for the add group button element
classNameButtonGroupRemove string? 'btn btn-danger' Class for the delete group button element
classNameButtonsSubmitContainer string? 'merchi-product-buttons-submit-container' Class for the container of the submit buttons
classNameFileUploadContainer string? 'merchi-input-file-container' Class for the input file container
classNameFileUpload string? 'merchi-embed-form_dropzone' Class for the dropzone container
classNameFilePreviewContainer string? 'uploaded-variation-file' Class for the file variation upload element
classNameFileUploadTextContainer string? 'merchi-embed-form_dropzone-text-container' Class for the dropzone text element
classNameFilePreviewIconWrapper string? 'uploaded-variation-file-icon-wrapper' Class for the upload variation icon wrapper
classNameFileUploadButton string? 'btn btn-sm btn-link ml-auto' Class for the file upload button element
classNameFileUploadIcon string? 'merchi-embed-form_dropzone-icon' Class for the form dropzone icon element
classNameFileUploadIconSecond string? 'merchi-embed-form_dropzone-icon-plus' Class for the form dropzone plus icon element
classNameFileUploadIconContainer string? 'merchi-embed-form_dropzone-icon-container' Class for the form dropzone icon container
classNameFileListItem string? 'list-group-item no-z-index-hover' Class for file list item element
classNameFileButtonDownload string? 'btn btn-sm btn-secondary' Class for the file download button element
classNameFileButtonDelete string? 'btn btn-sm btn-danger ml-2' Class for the file delete button element
classNameFileListItemContainer string? 'list-group' Class for the file item list
classNameGroupsContainer string? 'merchi-embed-form_product-group-container' Class for the product variation group container
classNameGroupPriceContainer string? 'merchi-embed-form_product-group-total-cost' Class for the variation group total cost
classNameInput string? 'form-control' Class for form inputs
classNameInventoryStatus string? 'flex-fill' Class for the inventory status element
classNameInputContainer string? 'merchi-embed-form_product-group-input-qty-container' Class for the input container
classNameOptionContainer string? 'merchi-embed-form_checkbox_radio-item' Class for the radio/checkbox container
classNameOptionInput string? 'merchi-embed-form_checkbox_radio-input' Class for the radio input
classNameOptionLabel string? 'merchi-embed-form_checkbox_radio-label' Class for the radio label
classNameOptionSuper string? 'merchi-embed-form_checkbox_radio-super' Class for the checkbox radio super
classNameOptionsCheckboxRadioContainer string? '' Class for the option checkbox/radio container
classNameOptionImage string? 'merchi-embed-form_image-select-option-item-img' Class for the variation image select element
classNameOptionImageContainer string? 'merchi-embed-form_image-select-option-item-container' Class for the variation image container element
classNameOptionColour string? 'merchi-embed-form_color-select-option' Class for the variation colour element
classNameOptionColourContainer string? 'merchi-embed-form_color-select-item' Class for the variation colour container element
classNameProductTitle string? 'merchi-product-title' Class for the product title element
classNameProductOriginTitle string? 'merchi-product-origin-title' Class for the product origin title element
classNameProductTotalContainer string? 'merchi-embed-form_summary-product-cost-container' Class for the product total cost container element
classNameProductTotal string? 'merchi-embed-form_summary-product-cost' Class for the product total cost element
classNameQuantityLabelContainer string? 'merchi-embed-form_quantity-label-container' Class for the product quantity label element
classNameUnitPrice string? undefined Class for the unit price element
currentUser User? undefined A Merchi client json object to be used as client
hideCost boolean? undefined Hide the cost. Used for quote requests
hideCountry boolean? undefined Hide the country flag.
hideCalculatedPrice boolean? undefined Hide calculated price. Used for quote requests
hideDomainName boolean? undefined Hide product domain
hideQuantityField boolean? undefined Hide Quantity field. Used for quote requests
hideRequestQuotationButton boolean? undefined Hide request quote button
hidePaymentUpfrontButton boolean? undefined Hide buy now button
hideTitle boolean? undefined Hide product title
isCartItem boolean? undefined Used if the product form in being used in cart item context
initJob `job cartItem` undefined
initProduct Product undefined The Merchi product to be used for the form
onAddToCart () => void? undefined An action to be applied to the add to cart button
onBuyNow () => void? undefined An action to be added to the buy now button
onGetQuote () => void? undefined An action to be added to the get quote button
onSubmit (data) => void? undefined An callback which returns the most recent job data
productFormId string? undefined An option id to be applied to the product form
showCurrency boolean? undefined Show the currency icon to the user
showCurrencyCode boolean? undefined Show the currency code to the user
showFeatureDeadline boolean? undefined Will display a countdown timer
showGroupBuyStatus boolean? undefined will show a the group buy status bar
showUnitPrice boolean? undefined Show the unit price to the user