A good way to create your graphs and understand some standard algorithms on them.
- Processing 3.0
- Proscene 3.0
- Install Proscene in processing.
- Run graphviewer.
- Commands:
- 'n' : add a node on a click position.
- 'e' : add an edge between two nodes.
- '1', '2', '3' : go between different algorithms implemented.
- ' ' : runs current algorithm on current graph.
- 'p' : pause animation.
- 'r' : reset graph to the initial values.
- 'd' : set edges in directed mode.
- 'b' : set edges in bidirectional mode.
- Osman David Jimenez Gutierrez
- Manuel Alejandro Vergara Diaz
- Jean Pierre Charalambos Hernandez