Realtime applications on Intel Xeon/Phi
The Intel Xeon/Phi platform is a powerful x86 multi-core engine with a very high-speed memory interface. In its next version it will be able to operate as a stand-alone system with a very high-speed interconnect. This makes it a very interesting candidate for (near) real-time applications such as event-building, event-sorting and event preparation for subsequent processing by high level trigger software algorithms.
As a technical student @CERN, I will study the feasibility and performance of Xeon/Phi in such applications using the latest software frameworks proposed by Intel hStreams, OpenACC and OpenMP 4.0.
The work will be done in the context of the CERN/Intel openlab HTC collaboration and the student will be hosted by the CERN LHCb Online team working on the upgrade of the LHCb trigger and DAQ system, which will have unprecedented throughput and computing requirements.