Flask-MVC Template It is a template with "batteries included" created for the fast development of applications in the microframework flask
Flask-Via: For create routes like a Django Rest Framework style using Blueprints!
Flask-Security: To easily have login, logout, recovery password and to keep administrator views restricted.
This template has a sub folder in templates / security in which are the custom templates for flask-security. Already configured.
Flask-Admin: A cool admin interface customizable for your models and assets recources.
Add yours models in the file admin.py
Flask-Upload: This template brings an example of how to use flask-upload in different blueprints and how to save the url of file in the database
Delete restaurant and food folders and rewrite app / __ init__.py for delete the pretty example
Flask-Script: Awesome commands for your projects, including the Flask-Migrate commands:
: Create admin usercreateapp
: Scaffold new blueprint folder and register in the file app/routes.py
Rauth Social Login with facebook, google and twitter
Flask-Testing Simple test unit with Faker for generate forget data and unittest And Selenium webdriver for front end testing
python -m unittest discover -p <file.py>
: Test the specific file
- Flask-Script
- Admin command
- Create app command
- Flask-Migrate
- Flask-Uploads
- Create one instance of this in each blueprint
- Oauth
- Testing with Flask-Testing
- Faker for generate forged data
- Front end test with Selenium webdriver
- Back end test
- Create command to create an admin
- Factory App
- HTTP Templates for error handling
- Create easy way for Unit Test