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Update article

Update article #10988

Workflow file for this run

# GitHub Actions Workflow to convert articles from Markdown to HTML
# Name of this Workflow
name: Build Articles
# When to run this Workflow...
# Run this Workflow when files are updated (Pushed) in this Branch
branches: [ master ]
# Steps to run for the Workflow
# Run these steps on Ubuntu
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checkout
- name: Checkout source files
uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: 'recursive'
- name: Show files
run: set ; pwd ; ls -l
# Build Articles
- name: Build Articles
run: |
# Check in Articles
- name: Commit GitHub Pages
uses: EndBug/[email protected]
# Arguments for the git add command
add: articles
# The name of the user that will be displayed as the author of the commit
# author_name: # optional
# The email of the user that will be displayed as the author of the commit
# author_email: # optional
# The directory where your repository is located. You should use actions/checkout first to set it up
# cwd: # optional, default is .
# Whether to use the force option on git add, in order to bypass eventual gitignores
# force: # optional, default is false
# Whether to use the signoff option on git commit
# signoff: # optional, default is false
# The message for the commit
# message: # optional, default is Commit from GitHub Actions
# Name of the branch to use, if different from the one that triggered the workflow
# ref: # optional
# Arguments for the git rm command
# remove: # optional, default is
# The name of the tag to add to the new commit
# tag: # optional, default is