This project explores the application of supervised learning techniques to the problem of classifying malicious domains that are used by threat actors for phishing, malware distribution, etc.
This project has the following dependencies: sklearn, pandas, and Jupyter Notebooks/IPython
These requirements can be met by installing Anaconda:
The dataset used for this project (dataset.csv) can be found here:
The dataset contains 90,000 datapoints and is balanced such that 50% of the domains are benign and 50% are malicious.
The dataset features include information from DNS and WHOIS records, lexical features of the domains, and data gathered from other sources including domain/IP reputation databases.
The results of this project can be replicated by opening and running each of the provided notebook files. Each notebook contains comments explaining each procedure and considering the results.
In this notebook the original dataset (dataset.csv) is preprocessed and the file preprocessed.csv is produced.
In this notebook a multi layer perceptron (MLP) classifier is created and analyzed.
In this notebook a random forest (RF) classifier is created and analyzed.