This is a custom AngularJS seed project based on grunt the JavaScript task runner.
- AngularJS 1.2.0
- CoffeeScript and Less support
- Bower for front-end packages management
- Full support for unit and end2end tests
- Unit tests with Mocha, Chai and SinonJS
- Generates test code coverage for the unit tests
- Support for protractor integration tests
- Support for Karma Test Runner (formerly Testacular)
- Continuous Integration ready ready via
grunt test:ci
task - Grunt task runner along with several useful plugins
- Production release minification and angular template caching
- ..and a lot more
- contains CoffeeScript sources, styles, images, fonts and other assets./app/scripts
- CoffeeScript sources./app/styles
- stylesheets./app/views
- html templates used by AngularJS
- contains tests for the application./tests/integration
- protractor integration specs./test/e2e
- AngularJS end2end scenarios./tests/unit
- unit tests for AngularJS components
Third-party libraries
- components dowloaded bybower install
- you could put custom components here./node_modules
- command dowloaded bynpm install
Generated stuff
- compiled development release./dist
- created bygrunt build
command, contains the minified production release of the app
Install nodejs v0.10.12 from the sources:
sudo apt-get install build-essential openssl libssl-dev pkg-config
tar -xzf node-v0.10.12.tar.gz
cd node-v0.10.7
sudo make install
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
sudo npm install -g nodemon
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
Navigate to http://localhost:9000
By default all tests are executed in PhantomJS browser
grunt test:unit
orgrunt test
- run unit testsgrunt test:unit:watch
orgrunt test:watch
- run unit tests in watch modegrunt test --coverage-reporter=html
- generate html code coverage report
Run test against specific browsers
grunt test:unit --browsers=Chrome,Firefox,Opera,PhantomJS
- run unit testsscript/test-integration
- run integration specs
- install standalone Selenium
node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
- start the app in the
- run it with
grunt coffee:test && protractor dev/test/protractor-conf.js
- stop selenium
- run PhantomJS with WebDriver support
phantomjs --webdriver=4444
- setup protractor
browserName: "phantomjs"
- run specs
mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script --watch --reporter spec server/test
Put debugger
in the failing spec:
describe "Failing spec", ->
it "should run smoothly", ->
debugger # this is like setting a breakpoint
Run karma in Chrome browser:
grunt test:unit:watch --browsers=Chrome
- Go to the newly opened Chrome Browser
- Open Chrome's DevTools and refresh the page
- Now in the source tab you should see the execution stopped at the debugger
Run karma directly without CoffeeScript compilation:
karma start test/ --single-run
or with auto watch option:
karma start test/
karma test:unit:watch
Start Xvfb and export DISPLAY variable:
./script/xvfb start
export DISPLAY=:99
Perform single run:
grunt test --browsers=Firefox,Chrome,Opera,PhantomJS
grunt test:watch --browsers=Chrome
will build the minified production release.
(cd dist/ ; python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000)
will serve a static assets from ./dist
Navigate to http://localhost:8000
to see the production release.
git co heroku-production
git merge master
grunt build
git push heroku heroku-production:master -f