This is a PyTorch Implemenation for this paper:
Xiang Wang, Xiangnan He, Meng Wang, Fuli Feng, and Tat-Seng Chua (2019). Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering. SIGIR 2019
Original TensorFlow Implementation can be found here
You may simply run
pip install -r requirements.txt
In this implementation, we use Python 3.7.5 with CUDA 10.1. The required packages are as follows:
- pytorch==1.3.1
- numpy==1.16.4
- scipy==1.4.1
- scikit-learn==0.22
- Gowalla:
python --dataset gowalla --alg_type ngcf --regs [1e-5] --embed_size 64 --layer_size [64,64,64] --lr 0.0001 --save_flag 1 --pretrain 0 --batch_size 4096 --epoch 500 --verbose 1 --mess_dropout [0.1,0.1,0.1]
- Amazon-book:
python --dataset amazon-book --alg_type ngcf --regs [1e-5] --embed_size 64 --layer_size [64,64,64] --lr 0.0005 --save_flag 1 --pretrain 0 --batch_size 4096 --epoch 500 --verbose 1 --mess_dropout [0.1,0.1,0.1]
- Gowalla:
python --dataset gowalla --alg_type mf --regs [1e-5] --embed_size 64 --lr 0.0001 --save_flag 1 --pretrain 0 --batch_size 4096 --epoch 500 --verbose 1
- Amazon-book:
python --dataset amazon-book --alg_type mf --regs [1e-5] --embed_size 64 --lr 0.0005 --save_flag 1 --pretrain 0 --batch_size 4096 --epoch 500 --verbose 1 --mess_dropout [0.1,0.1,0.1]
Datasets and Data files are the same as thoese in the original repository.