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A node.js (and client-library) implementation of the Flickr API with oauth API key authentication and API method proxying

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A Node.js and browser Flickr API library

With oauth authentication for Flickr API keys if you're using it server-side (authenticated calls from the browser are too insecure to support for the moment, and will throw an error).

You also get API route proxying so you can call the Flickr methods through your own server and get Flickr responses back for free. Super handy!

Quick start guide:

You don't want to read this entire, so just find what you want to do in this handy quick start guide right here at the start of the README, and off you go!

In the browser with client-side credentials:

Script-load the browser/ library for development work, and use the browser/flickrapi.js library in production.

You can access Flickr by creating an API instance as:

var flickr = new Flickr({
  api_key: "1234ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD"

Then query Flickr using the API as described over at - for instance, to search for all photographs that text-match the terms "red panda", you call:{
  text: "red+panda"
}, function(err, result) {
  if(err) { throw new Error(err); }
  // do something with result

All calls are asynchronous, and the callback handling function always has two arguments. The first, if an error occurs, is the error generated by Flickr; the second, if the call succeeds, is the result sent back from Flickr, as plain JavaScript object.

Note: this is not secure. People will be able to see your API key, and this is pretty much the worst idea(tm), so you probably want to use this library...

In the browser, securely via proxied API calls:

Script-load the browser/ library for development work, and use the browser/flickrapi.js library in production, but don't use your API key. Instead, point to your server as a flickr API proxy:

var flickr = new Flickr({
  endpoint: "http//yourhostedplace/services/rest/"

To make this work, have flickapi running on your server with a proxy route enabled, and you'll be able to make use of all the Flickr API calls, without having to put your credentials anywhere in your client-side source code.

Proxy mode is explained below, but is essentially a one-liner add to your regular connect/express app.

As a module in a (larger) Node.js program

Install like any other package:

$> npm install flickrapi --save

After that, you have two choices, based on whether you want to authenticate or not. Both approaches require an API key, but using OAuth2 authentication means you get access to the full API, rather than only the public API.

To suppress the progress bars in stdout you can include a progress attribute when initializing:

var flickr = new Flickr({
    api_key: "1234ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD",
    progress: false

No authentication, public API only

var Flickr = require("flickrapi"),
    flickrOptions = {
      api_key: "API key that you get from Flickr",
      secret: "API key secret that you get from Flickr"

Flickr.tokenOnly(flickrOptions, function(error, flickr) {
  // we can now use "flickr" as our API object,
  // but we can only call public methods and access public data

Authenticated, full Flickr API access

var Flickr = require("flickrapi"),
    flickrOptions = {
      api_key: "API key that you get from Flickr",
      secret: "API key secret that you get from Flickr"

Flickr.authenticate(flickrOptions, function(error, flickr) {
  // we can now use "flickr" as our API object

The end.

That's it, that's all the quickstart guiding you need. For more detailed information, keep reading. If you just wanted to get up and running, then the preceding text should have gotten you there!

What to do now that you have the library loaded

Call some API functions

calling API functions is then a matter of calling the functions as they are listed on, so if you wish to get all your own photos, you would call:{
  user_id: flickr.options.user_id,
  page: 1,
  per_page: 500
}, function(err, result) {
  // result is Flickr's response

Proxy the Flickr API

If your app is a connect or express app, you get Flickr API proxying for free.

Simply use the .proxy() function to set everything up and then call your own API route in the same way you would call the Flickr API, minus the security credentials, since the servers side Flickr api object already has those baked in.

As an example, the test.js script for node-flickrapi uses the following code to set up the local API route:

var express = require("express");

Flickr.authenticate(FlickrOptions, function(error, flickr) {
  var app = express();
  app.configure(function() {
    flickr.proxy(app, "/service/rest");

This turns the /service/rest route into a full Flickr API proxy, which the browser library can talk to, using POST operations.

To verify your proxy route works, simply use cURL in the following fashion:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
             -d '{"method":"", "text":"red+pandas"}'

Note that the proxy is "open" in that there is no explicit user management. If you want to make sure only "logged in users" get to use your API proxy route, you can pass an authentication middleware function as third argument to the .proxy function:

function authenticator(req, res, next) {
  // assuming your session management uses req.session:
  if(req.session.authenticated) {
    return next();
  next({status:403, message: "not authorised to call API methods"});

flickr.proxy(app, "/service/rest/", authenticator);

Upload photos to Flickr

If you're running the code server-side, and you've authenticated with Flickr already, you can use the Flickr.upload function to upload individual photos, or batches of photos, to your own account (or, the account that is tied to the API key that you're using).

Flickr.authenticate(FlickrOptions, function(error, flickr) {
  var uploadOptions = {
    photos: [{
      title: "test",
      tags: ["happy","fox"],
      photo: __dirname + "/test.jpg"
      title: "test2",
      tags: ["secondary", "test", "image"],
      photo: __dirname + "/test.jpg"

  Flickr.upload(uploadOptions, FlickrOptions, function(err, result) {
    if(err) {
      return console.error(error);
    console.log("photos uploaded", result);

For the list of available upload properties, see the Flickr Upload API page.

Download data from Flickr

You can use this module to very easily download all your Flickr content, using the built in downsync function:

var Flickr = require("flickrapi"),
    flickrOptions = { ... };
Flickr.authenticate(flickrOptions, flickrapi.downsync());

That's all you need to run. The package will generate a data directory with your images in ./data/images (in several sizes), and the information architecture (metadata, sets, collections, etc) in ./data/ia.

If you want this in a different directory, you can pass the dir as an argument to the downsync function:

var Flickr = require("flickrapi"),
    flickrOptions = { ... };
Flickr.authenticate(flickrOptions, flickrapi.downsync("userdata/me"));

This will now create a ./data for the flickr API information, but also a ./userdata/me/ directory that contains the images and ia dirs with your personal data.

Downloading shortcut: one-step downsyncing

If you just want to immediately downsync all your data right now, simply use the test.js application with the --downsync runtime argument: add your Flickr API key information to the .env file and then run:

$> node test --downsync

Run through the authentication procedure, and then just wait for it to finish. Once it's done, you should have a local mirror of all your Flickr data.

(Re)syncing with Flickr in your code

(Re)syncing is a mostly a matter or running the downsync function again. This will update anything that was updated or added on Flickr, but will not delete anything from your local mirror that was deleted from Flickr unless specifically told to do so, by passing a second argument (internally known as the "removeDeleted" flag in the code) to the downsync function call:

var Flickr = require("flickrapi"),
    flickrOptions = { ... };
Flickr.authenticate(flickrOptions, flickrapi.downsync("userdata/me", true));

If true, this will delete local files that were removed on Flickr (e.g. photos that you didn't like anymore, etc). If false, or omitted, no pruning of the local mirror will be performed.

Use your Flickr data in another application

If you downloaded all your Flickr data, you can use these in your own node apps by "dry loading" Flickr:

var Flickr = require("flickrapi"),
    flickrData = Flickr.loadLocally();

This will give you an object with the following structure:

  photos: [photo objects],
  photo_keys: [ array, sorted on publish date],
  photosets: [set objects],
  photoset_keys: [ array, sorted on creation date],
  collections: [collection objects],
  collection_keys: [ array, sorted on title],

Not sure what these objects look like? head over to your ./data/ia directory and just open a .json file in your favourite text editor.

The loadLocally function can take two arguments, namely a location where the ia data can be found, and an options object. If you want to pass in an options object you must supply a location, too.

flickrData = Flickr.loadLocally("./userdata", {
  loadPrivate: false

Currently the options object only has one meaningful property, loadPrivate, which determines whether or not photos and photosets that are marked "not public" in Flickr show up in the photo_keys and photoset_keys lists.

An example of a first run

Fetching Flickr's most up to date API definitions

On first run, the package will fetch all known methods from Flickr, and cache them for future use. This can take a bit, as there are a fair number of methods, but is inconsequential on subsequent package loading.

Authenticate your API key with Flickr

On first run, the authentication function will notice that there are no access_token and access_token_secret values set, and will negotiate these with Flickr using their oauth API, based on the permissions you request for your API key.

By default, the only permissions are "read" permissions, but you can override this by adding a permissions property to the options object:

  • permissions: "read" will give the app read-only access (default)
  • permissions: "write" will give it read + write access
  • permissions: "delete" will give it read, write and delete access

Note that you cannot make use of the upload functions unless you authenticate with write or delete permissions.

An example run

Running the app will show output such as the following block:

$> node app
{ oauth_callback_confirmed: 'true',
  oauth_token: '...',
  oauth_token_secret: '...' }
prompt: oauth_verifier: _

Once the app reaches this point it will open a browser, allowing you to consent to the app accessing your most private of private parts. On Flickr, at least. If you agree to authorize it, you will get an authorisation code that you need to pass so that the flickrapi can negotiate access tokens with Flickr.

Doing so continues the program:

$> node app
{ oauth_callback_confirmed: 'true',
  oauth_token: '...',
  oauth_token_secret: '...' }
prompt: oauth_verifier: 123-456-789

Add the following variables to your environment:

export FLICKR_USER_ID="12345678%40N12"
export FLICKR_ACCESS_TOKEN="72157634942121673-3e02b190b9720d7d"
export FLICKR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="99c038c9fc77673e"

Add these variables to your environment, or put them in an .env file for use with process.env or the habitat package or the like, or put them straight into your source code to use the flickrapi:

var FlickrOptions = {
      api_key: "your API key",
      secret: "your API key secret",
      user_id: "...",
      access_token: "...",
      access_token_secret: "..."

The flickrapi package will now be able to authenticate with Flickr without constantly needing to ask you for permission to access data.

Using your own OAuth callback endpoint

By default the oauth callback is set to "out-of-band". You can see this in the .env file as the FLICK_CALLBACK="oob" parameter, but if this is omitted the code falls back to oob automatically. For automated processes, or if you don't want your uers to have to type anything in a console, you can override this by setting your own oauth callback endpoint URL.

Using a custom callback endpoint, the oauth procedure will contact the indicated endpoint with the authentication information, rather than requiring your users to manually copy/paste the authentication values.

Note your users will still need to authenticate the app from a browser!

To use a custom endpoint, add the URL to the options as the callback property:

var options = ...;
options.callback: "http://.../...";
Flickr.authenticate(options, function(error, flickr) {

You can make your life easier by using an environment variable in the .env file rather than hardcoding your endpoint url:

export FLICKR_CALLBACK="http://..."

The callback URL handler will at its minimum need to implement the following middleware function:

function(req, res) {

However, having the response tell the user that authorisation was received and that they can safely close this window/tab is generally a good idea.

If you wish to call the exchange function manually, the object expected by looks like this:

  oauth_token: "...",
  oauth_verifier: "..."

Advanced topics

If all you wanted to know was how to use the flickrapi library, you can stop reading. However, there's some more magic built into the library that you might be interested in, in which case you should totally keep reading.

Custom authentication: browserless, noAPI, and silent

There are a number of special options that can be set to effect different authentication procedures. Calling the authenticate function with an options object means the following options can also be passed:

options = {

  // console.logs the auth URL instead of opening a browser for it.
  nobrowser: true,

  // only performs authentication, without building the Flickr API.
  noAPI: true,

  // suppress the default console logging on successful authentication.
  silent: true,

  // suppress writing progress bars to stdout
  progress: false


If you use the noAPI option, the authentication credentials can be extracted from the options object inside the callback function that you pass along. The options.access_token and options.access_token_secret will contain the result of the authentication procedure.

(Re)compiling the client-side library

If, for some reason, you want to (re)compile the client-side library, you can run the

$> node compile

command to (re)generate a flickrapi.js client-side library, saved to the browser directory. This generates a sparse library that will let you call all public methods (but currently not any method that requires read-private, write, or delete permissions), but will not tell you what's wrong when errors occur.

If you need the extended information, for instance in a dev setting, use

$> node compile dev

to generate a library that has all the information needed for developing work; simply use this during development and use the flickrapi.js library in production.

Note that no min version is generated; For development there is no sense in using one, and the savings on the production version are too small to matter (it's only 10kb smaller). If your server can serve content gzipped, the minification will have no effect on the gzipped size anyway (using gzip, the plain library is ~4.5kb, with the dev version being ~30kb).

The options object

Once you have a Flickr API object in the form if the flickr variable, the options can be found as flickr.options so you don't need to pass those on all the time. This object may contain any of the following values (some are quite required, others are entirely optional, and some are automatically generated as you make Flickr API calls):


your API key.


your API key secret.

###user_id your user id, based on your first-time authorisation.

###access_token the preauthorised Flickr access token.

###access_token_secret its corresponding secret.

###oauth_timestamp the timestamp for the last flickr API call.

###oauth_nonce the cryptographic nonce that request used.


true or false (defaults to false) to indicate whether to force oauth signing for functions that can be called both key-only and authenticated for additional data access (like the photo search function)

###retry_queries if used, Flickr queries will be retried if they fail.

###afterDownsync optional; you can bind an arg-less callback function here that is called after a downsync() call finishes.

###permissions optional 'read', 'write', or 'delete'. defaults to 'read'.


optional boolean, console.logs the auth URL instead of opening a browser window for it.

###noAPI optional boolean, performs authentication without building the Flickr API object.

###silent optional boolean, suppresses the default console logging on successful authentication.

###progress optional boolean, suppresses writing progress bars to stdout if set to false


A node.js (and client-library) implementation of the Flickr API with oauth API key authentication and API method proxying






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