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kim-em committed Nov 20, 2024
1 parent 58b1558 commit 9b9f4d0
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Showing 2 changed files with 84 additions and 76 deletions.
106 changes: 55 additions & 51 deletions Batteries/Data/Range/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -48,55 +48,59 @@ theorem mem_range'_elems (r : Range) (h : x ∈ List.range' r.start r.numElems r
-- FIXME: temporarily commented out; I've broken this on nightly-2024-11-20,
-- and am hoping it is not necessary to get Mathlib working again

-- theorem forIn'_eq_forIn_range' [Monad m] (r : Std.Range)
-- (init : β) (f : (a : Nat) → a ∈ r → β → m (ForInStep β)) :
-- forIn' r init f =
-- forIn
-- ((List.range' r.start r.numElems r.step).pmap fun _ => mem_range'_elems r)
-- init (fun ⟨a, h⟩ => f a h) := by
-- let ⟨start, stop, step⟩ := r
-- let L := List.range' start (numElems ⟨start, stop, step⟩) step
-- let f' : { a // start ≤ a ∧ a < stop } → _ := fun ⟨a, h⟩ => f a h
-- suffices ∀ H, forIn' [start:stop:step] init f = forIn (L.pmap H) init f' from this _
-- intro H; dsimp only [forIn', Range.forIn']
-- if h : start < stop then
-- simp [numElems, Nat.not_le.2 h, L]; split
-- · subst step
-- suffices ∀ n H init,
-- forIn'.loop start stop 0 f n start (Nat.le_refl _) init =
-- forIn ((List.range' start n 0).pmap H) init f' from this _ ..
-- intro n; induction n with (intro H init; unfold forIn'.loop; simp [*])
-- | succ n ih => simp [ih (List.forall_mem_cons.1 H).2]; rfl
-- · next step0 =>
-- have hstep := Nat.pos_of_ne_zero step0
-- suffices ∀ fuel l i hle H, l ≤ fuel →
-- (∀ j, stop ≤ i + step * j ↔ l ≤ j) → ∀ init,
-- forIn'.loop start stop step f fuel i hle init =
-- forIn ((List.range' i l step).pmap H) init f' by
-- refine this _ _ _ _ _
-- ((numElems_le_iff hstep).2 (Nat.le_trans ?_ (Nat.le_add_left ..)))
-- (fun _ => (numElems_le_iff hstep).symm) _
-- conv => lhs; rw [← Nat.one_mul stop]
-- exact Nat.mul_le_mul_right stop hstep
-- intro fuel; induction fuel with intro l i hle H h1 h2 init
-- | zero => simp [forIn'.loop, Nat.le_zero.1 h1]
-- | succ fuel ih =>
-- cases l with
-- | zero => rw [forIn'.loop]; simp [Nat.not_lt.2 <| by simpa using (h2 0).2 (Nat.le_refl _)]
-- | succ l =>
-- have ih := ih _ _ (Nat.le_trans hle (Nat.le_add_right ..))
-- (List.forall_mem_cons.1 H).2 (Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h1) fun i => by
-- rw [Nat.add_right_comm, Nat.add_assoc, ← Nat.mul_succ, h2, Nat.succ_le_succ_iff]
-- have := h2 0; simp at this
-- rw [forIn'.loop]; simp [this, ih]; rfl
-- else
-- simp [List.range', h, numElems_stop_le_start ⟨start, stop, step⟩ (Nat.not_lt.1 h), L]
-- cases stop <;> unfold forIn'.loop <;> simp [List.forIn', h]
theorem forIn'_eq_forIn_range' [Monad m] (r : Std.Range)
(init : β) (f : (a : Nat) → a ∈ r → β → m (ForInStep β)) :
forIn' r init f =
((List.range' r.start r.numElems r.step).pmap fun _ => mem_range'_elems r)
init (fun ⟨a, h⟩ => f a h) := by
let ⟨start, stop, step⟩ := r
let L := List.range' start (numElems ⟨start, stop, step⟩) step
let f' : { a // start ≤ a ∧ a < stop } → _ := fun ⟨a, h⟩ => f a h
suffices ∀ H, forIn' [start:stop:step] init f = forIn (L.pmap H) init f' from this _
intro H; dsimp only [forIn', Range.forIn']
if h : start < stop then
simp [numElems, Nat.not_le.2 h, L]; split
· subst step
suffices ∀ n H init,
forIn'.loop start stop 0 f n start (Nat.le_refl _) init =
forIn ((List.range' start n 0).pmap H) init f' from this _ ..
intro n; induction n with (intro H init; unfold forIn'.loop; simp [*])
| succ n ih => simp [ih (List.forall_mem_cons.1 H).2]; rfl
· next step0 =>
have hstep := Nat.pos_of_ne_zero step0
suffices ∀ fuel l i hle H, l ≤ fuel →
(∀ j, stop ≤ i + step * j ↔ l ≤ j) → ∀ init,
forIn'.loop start stop step f fuel i hle init =
forIn ((List.range' i l step).pmap H) init f' by
refine this _ _ _ _ _
((numElems_le_iff hstep).2 (Nat.le_trans ?_ (Nat.le_add_left ..)))
(fun _ => (numElems_le_iff hstep).symm) _
conv => lhs; rw [← Nat.one_mul stop]
exact Nat.mul_le_mul_right stop hstep
intro fuel; induction fuel with intro l i hle H h1 h2 init
| zero => simp [forIn'.loop, Nat.le_zero.1 h1]
| succ fuel ih =>
cases l with
| zero => rw [forIn'.loop]; simp [Nat.not_lt.2 <| by simpa using (h2 0).2 (Nat.le_refl _)]
| succ l =>
have ih := ih _ _ (Nat.le_trans hle (Nat.le_add_right ..))
(List.forall_mem_cons.1 H).2 (Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h1) fun i => by
rw [Nat.add_right_comm, Nat.add_assoc, ← Nat.mul_succ, h2, Nat.succ_le_succ_iff]
have := h2 0; simp at this
rw [forIn'.loop]; simp [this, ih]; rfl
simp [List.range', h, numElems_stop_le_start ⟨start, stop, step⟩ (Nat.not_lt.1 h), L]
cases stop <;> unfold forIn'.loop <;> simp [List.forIn', h]
-- theorem forIn_eq_forIn_range' [Monad m] (r : Std.Range)
-- (init : β) (f : Nat → β → m (ForInStep β)) :
-- forIn r init f = forIn (List.range' r.start r.numElems r.step) init f := by
-- refine Eq.trans ?_ <| (forIn'_eq_forIn_range' r init (fun x _ => f x)).trans ?_
-- · simp [forIn, forIn']
-- · suffices ∀ L H, forIn (List.pmap L H) init (f ·.1) = forIn L init f from this _ ..
-- intro L; induction L generalizing init <;> intro H <;> simp [*]
theorem forIn_eq_forIn_range' [Monad m] (r : Std.Range)
(init : β) (f : Nat → β → m (ForInStep β)) :
forIn r init f = forIn (List.range' r.start r.numElems r.step) init f := by
refine Eq.trans ?_ <| (forIn'_eq_forIn_range' r init (fun x _ => f x)).trans ?_
· simp [forIn, forIn']
· suffices ∀ L H, forIn (List.pmap L H) init (f ·.1) = forIn L init f from this _ ..
intro L; induction L generalizing init <;> intro H <;> simp [*]
54 changes: 29 additions & 25 deletions Batteries/Data/Vector/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -266,31 +266,35 @@ proof_wanted instLawfulBEq (α n) [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] : LawfulBEq (Vector α
-- FIXME: temporarily commented out; I've broken this on nightly-2024-11-20,
-- and am hoping it is not necessary to get Mathlib working again

-- /-- Delete an element of a vector using a `Fin` index. -/
-- @[inline] def feraseIdx (v : Vector α n) (i : Fin n) : Vector α (n-1) :=
-- ⟨v.toArray.feraseIdx (Fin.cast v.size_toArray.symm i), by simp [Array.size_feraseIdx]

-- /-- Delete an element of a vector using a `Nat` index. Panics if the index is out of bounds. -/
-- @[inline] def eraseIdx! (v : Vector α n) (i : Nat) : Vector α (n-1) :=
-- if _ : i < n then
-- ⟨v.toArray.eraseIdx i, by simp [*]
-- else
-- have : Inhabited (Vector α (n-1)) := ⟨v.pop⟩
-- panic! "index out of bounds"

-- /-- Delete the first element of a vector. Returns the empty vector if the input vector is empty. -/
-- @[inline] def tail (v : Vector α n) : Vector α (n-1) :=
-- if _ : 0 < n then
-- ⟨v.toArray.eraseIdx 0, by simp [*]
-- else
-- v.cast (by omega)

-- /--
-- Delete an element of a vector using a `Nat` index. By default, the `get_elem_tactic` is used to
-- synthesise a proof that the index is within bounds.
-- -/
-- @[inline] def eraseIdxN (v : Vector α n) (i : Nat) (h : i < n := by get_elem_tactic) :
-- Vector α (n - 1) := ⟨v.toArray.eraseIdxN i (by simp [*]), by simp⟩
/-- Delete an element of a vector using a `Fin` index. -/
@[inline] def feraseIdx (v : Vector α n) (i : Fin n) : Vector α (n-1) :=
⟨v.toArray.feraseIdx (Fin.cast v.size_toArray.symm i), by simp [Array.size_feraseIdx]
/-- Delete an element of a vector using a `Nat` index. Panics if the index is out of bounds. -/
@[inline] def eraseIdx! (v : Vector α n) (i : Nat) : Vector α (n-1) :=
if _ : i < n then
⟨v.toArray.eraseIdx i, by simp [*]
have : Inhabited (Vector α (n-1)) := ⟨v.pop⟩
panic! "index out of bounds"
/-- Delete the first element of a vector. Returns the empty vector if the input vector is empty. -/
@[inline] def tail (v : Vector α n) : Vector α (n-1) :=
if _ : 0 < n then
⟨v.toArray.eraseIdx 0, by simp [*]
v.cast (by omega)
Delete an element of a vector using a `Nat` index. By default, the `get_elem_tactic` is used to
synthesise a proof that the index is within bounds.
@[inline] def eraseIdxN (v : Vector α n) (i : Nat) (h : i < n := by get_elem_tactic) :
Vector α (n - 1) := ⟨v.toArray.eraseIdxN i (by simp [*]), by simp⟩

Finds the first index of a given value in a vector using `==` for comparison. Returns `none` if the
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