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le4ker committed Nov 11, 2024
2 parents 11e626d + 8cbd631 commit 7f66200
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Showing 34 changed files with 1,551 additions and 28 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions builddefs/docsgen/.vitepress/config.mts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => {

sidebar: sidebar,

externalLinkIcon: true,

socialLinks: [
{ icon: { svg: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 50 50" width="50px" height="50px"><path d="M 29 3 C 28.0625 3 27.164063 3.382813 26.5 4 C 25.835938 4.617188 25.363281 5.433594 25 6.40625 C 24.355469 8.140625 24.085938 10.394531 24.03125 13.03125 C 19.234375 13.179688 14.820313 14.421875 11.28125 16.46875 C 10.214844 15.46875 8.855469 14.96875 7.5 14.96875 C 6.089844 14.96875 4.675781 15.511719 3.59375 16.59375 C 1.425781 18.761719 1.425781 22.238281 3.59375 24.40625 L 3.84375 24.65625 C 3.3125 26.035156 3 27.488281 3 29 C 3 33.527344 5.566406 37.585938 9.5625 40.4375 C 13.558594 43.289063 19.007813 45 25 45 C 30.992188 45 36.441406 43.289063 40.4375 40.4375 C 44.433594 37.585938 47 33.527344 47 29 C 47 27.488281 46.6875 26.035156 46.15625 24.65625 L 46.40625 24.40625 C 48.574219 22.238281 48.574219 18.761719 46.40625 16.59375 C 45.324219 15.511719 43.910156 14.96875 42.5 14.96875 C 41.144531 14.96875 39.785156 15.46875 38.71875 16.46875 C 35.195313 14.433594 30.800781 13.191406 26.03125 13.03125 C 26.09375 10.546875 26.363281 8.46875 26.875 7.09375 C 27.164063 6.316406 27.527344 5.757813 27.875 5.4375 C 28.222656 5.117188 28.539063 5 29 5 C 29.460938 5 29.683594 5.125 30.03125 5.40625 C 30.378906 5.6875 30.785156 6.148438 31.3125 6.6875 C 32.253906 7.652344 33.695313 8.714844 36.09375 8.9375 C 36.539063 11.238281 38.574219 13 41 13 C 43.75 13 46 10.75 46 8 C 46 5.25 43.75 3 41 3 C 38.605469 3 36.574219 4.710938 36.09375 6.96875 C 34.3125 6.796875 33.527344 6.109375 32.75 5.3125 C 32.300781 4.851563 31.886719 4.3125 31.3125 3.84375 C 30.738281 3.375 29.9375 3 29 3 Z M 41 5 C 42.667969 5 44 6.332031 44 8 C 44 9.667969 42.667969 11 41 11 C 39.332031 11 38 9.667969 38 8 C 38 6.332031 39.332031 5 41 5 Z M 25 15 C 30.609375 15 35.675781 16.613281 39.28125 19.1875 C 42.886719 21.761719 45 25.226563 45 29 C 45 32.773438 42.886719 36.238281 39.28125 38.8125 C 35.675781 41.386719 30.609375 43 25 43 C 19.390625 43 14.324219 41.386719 10.71875 38.8125 C 7.113281 36.238281 5 32.773438 5 29 C 5 25.226563 7.113281 21.761719 10.71875 19.1875 C 14.324219 16.613281 19.390625 15 25 15 Z M 7.5 16.9375 C 8.203125 16.9375 8.914063 17.148438 9.53125 17.59375 C 7.527344 19.03125 5.886719 20.769531 4.75 22.71875 C 3.582031 21.296875 3.660156 19.339844 5 18 C 5.714844 17.285156 6.609375 16.9375 7.5 16.9375 Z M 42.5 16.9375 C 43.390625 16.9375 44.285156 17.285156 45 18 C 46.339844 19.339844 46.417969 21.296875 45.25 22.71875 C 44.113281 20.769531 42.472656 19.03125 40.46875 17.59375 C 41.085938 17.148438 41.796875 16.9375 42.5 16.9375 Z M 17 22 C 14.800781 22 13 23.800781 13 26 C 13 28.199219 14.800781 30 17 30 C 19.199219 30 21 28.199219 21 26 C 21 23.800781 19.199219 22 17 22 Z M 33 22 C 30.800781 22 29 23.800781 29 26 C 29 28.199219 30.800781 30 33 30 C 35.199219 30 37 28.199219 37 26 C 37 23.800781 35.199219 22 33 22 Z M 17 24 C 18.117188 24 19 24.882813 19 26 C 19 27.117188 18.117188 28 17 28 C 15.882813 28 15 27.117188 15 26 C 15 24.882813 15.882813 24 17 24 Z M 33 24 C 34.117188 24 35 24.882813 35 26 C 35 27.117188 34.117188 28 33 28 C 31.882813 28 31 27.117188 31 26 C 31 24.882813 31.882813 24 33 24 Z M 34.15625 33.84375 C 34.101563 33.851563 34.050781 33.859375 34 33.875 C 33.683594 33.9375 33.417969 34.144531 33.28125 34.4375 C 33.28125 34.4375 32.757813 35.164063 31.4375 36 C 30.117188 36.835938 28.058594 37.6875 25 37.6875 C 21.941406 37.6875 19.882813 36.835938 18.5625 36 C 17.242188 35.164063 16.71875 34.4375 16.71875 34.4375 C 16.492188 34.082031 16.066406 33.90625 15.65625 34 C 15.332031 34.082031 15.070313 34.316406 14.957031 34.632813 C 14.84375 34.945313 14.894531 35.292969 15.09375 35.5625 C 15.09375 35.5625 15.863281 36.671875 17.46875 37.6875 C 19.074219 38.703125 21.558594 39.6875 25 39.6875 C 28.441406 39.6875 30.925781 38.703125 32.53125 37.6875 C 34.136719 36.671875 34.90625 35.5625 34.90625 35.5625 C 35.207031 35.273438 35.296875 34.824219 35.128906 34.441406 C 34.960938 34.058594 34.574219 33.820313 34.15625 33.84375 Z"/></svg>' }, link: "" },
{ icon: "discord", link: "" },
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Your computer keyboard has a processor inside of it, similar to the one inside y

QMK tries to put a lot of power into your hands by making easy things easy, and hard things possible. You don't have to know how to program to create powerful keymaps — you only have to follow a few simple syntax rules.

Not sure if your keyboard can run QMK? If it's a mechanical keyboard you built yourself chances are good it can. We support a [large number of hobbyist boards]( If your current keyboard can't run QMK there are a lot of choices out there for boards that do.
Not sure if your keyboard can run QMK? If it's a mechanical keyboard you built yourself chances are good it can. We support a [large number of hobbyist boards]( If your current keyboard can't run QMK there are a lot of choices out there for boards that do.

::: tip Is This Guide For Me?
If the thought of programming intimidates you, please [take a look at our online GUI](newbs_building_firmware_configurator) instead.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ You can create `info.json` files at every level under `qmk_firmware/keyboards/<k
* A free-form text string describing the keyboard's manufacturer. This will be used as the USB manufacturer string. Can include Unicode characters, escaped to ASCII eg. `\u03A8` (Ψ).
* Example: `"Clueboard"`
* `url` <Badge type="info">String</Badge> <Badge>Required</Badge>
* A URL to the keyboard's product page, []( page, or other page describing information about the keyboard.
* A URL to the keyboard's product page, [QMK Keyboards]( page, or other page describing information about the keyboard.
* Example: `""`
* `bootloader_instructions` <Badge type="info">String</Badge>
* Instructions for putting the keyboard into a mode that allows for firmware flashing.
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions keyboards/cannonkeys/satisfaction75_hs/keyboard.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
{"matrix": [5, 1], "x": 1.25, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 2], "x": 2.5, "y": 5.25, "w": 1.25},
{"matrix": [5, 6], "x": 3.75, "y": 5.25, "w": 6.25},
{"matrix": [5, 10], "x": 10, "y": 5.25, "w": 1},
{"matrix": [5, 11], "x": 11, "y": 5.25, "w": 1},
{"matrix": [5, 9], "x": 12, "y": 5.25, "w": 1},
{"matrix": [5, 10], "x": 10, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 11], "x": 11, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 9], "x": 12, "y": 5.25},
{"matrix": [5, 12], "x": 13.25, "y": 5.5},
{"matrix": [5, 13], "x": 14.25, "y": 5.5},
{"matrix": [5, 14], "x": 15.25, "y": 5.5}
Expand Down
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions keyboards/handwired/tenstad/keyboard.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
"manufacturer": "Amund Tenstad",
"keyboard_name": "tenstad",
"maintainer": "tenstad",
"bootloader": "rp2040",
"diode_direction": "ROW2COL",
"features": {
"bootmagic": true,
"extrakey": true,
"mousekey": true,
"nkro": true
"matrix_pins": {
"cols": ["GP29", "GP28", "GP27", "GP26", "GP15", "GP14"],
"rows": ["GP3", "GP4", "GP5", "GP6"]
"processor": "RP2040",
"split": {
"enabled": true,
"serial": {
"driver": "vendor"
"transport": {
"protocol": "serial"
"url": "",
"usb": {
"device_version": "1.0.0",
"pid": "0x0000",
"vid": "0xFEED"
"layouts": {
"LAYOUT_split_3x6_5": {
"layout": [
{"matrix": [0, 0], "x": 0, "y": 1.35},
{"matrix": [0, 1], "x": 1, "y": 0.95},
{"matrix": [0, 2], "x": 2.35, "y": 0.35},
{"matrix": [0, 3], "x": 3.35, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [0, 4], "x": 4.65, "y": 0.4},
{"matrix": [0, 5], "x": 5.65, "y": 0.4},
{"matrix": [4, 5], "x": 12.25, "y": 0.4},
{"matrix": [4, 4], "x": 13.25, "y": 0.4},
{"matrix": [4, 3], "x": 14.55, "y": 0},
{"matrix": [4, 2], "x": 15.55, "y": 0.35},
{"matrix": [4, 1], "x": 16.9, "y": 0.95},
{"matrix": [4, 0], "x": 17.9, "y": 1.35},
{"matrix": [1, 0], "x": 0.1, "y": 2.35},
{"matrix": [1, 1], "x": 1.1, "y": 1.95},
{"matrix": [1, 2], "x": 2.4, "y": 1.35},
{"matrix": [1, 3], "x": 3.4, "y": 1},
{"matrix": [1, 4], "x": 4.65, "y": 1.4},
{"matrix": [1, 5], "x": 5.65, "y": 1.4},
{"matrix": [5, 5], "x": 12.25, "y": 1.4},
{"matrix": [5, 4], "x": 13.25, "y": 1.4},
{"matrix": [5, 3], "x": 14.5, "y": 1},
{"matrix": [5, 2], "x": 15.5, "y": 1.35},
{"matrix": [5, 1], "x": 16.8, "y": 1.95},
{"matrix": [5, 0], "x": 17.8, "y": 2.35},
{"matrix": [2, 0], "x": 0.2, "y": 3.35},
{"matrix": [2, 1], "x": 1.2, "y": 2.95},
{"matrix": [2, 2], "x": 2.45, "y": 2.35},
{"matrix": [2, 3], "x": 3.45, "y": 2},
{"matrix": [2, 4], "x": 4.65, "y": 2.4},
{"matrix": [2, 5], "x": 5.65, "y": 2.4},
{"matrix": [6, 5], "x": 12.25, "y": 2.4},
{"matrix": [6, 4], "x": 13.25, "y": 2.4},
{"matrix": [6, 3], "x": 14.45, "y": 2},
{"matrix": [6, 2], "x": 15.45, "y": 2.35},
{"matrix": [6, 1], "x": 16.7, "y": 2.95},
{"matrix": [6, 0], "x": 17.7, "y": 3.35},
{"matrix": [3, 5], "x": 6.85, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [3, 3], "x": 7.95, "y": 3.35},
{"matrix": [3, 4], "x": 5.6, "y": 3.95},
{"matrix": [3, 1], "x": 6.7, "y": 4.1},
{"matrix": [3, 2], "x": 7.8, "y": 4.45},
{"matrix": [7, 3], "x": 9.95, "y": 3.35},
{"matrix": [7, 5], "x": 11.05, "y": 3},
{"matrix": [7, 2], "x": 10.1, "y": 4.45},
{"matrix": [7, 1], "x": 11.2, "y": 4.1},
{"matrix": [7, 4], "x": 12.3, "y": 3.95}
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions keyboards/handwired/tenstad/keymaps/default/keymap.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"keyboard": "handwired/tenstad",
"keymap": "default",
"layout": "LAYOUT_split_3x6_5",
"layers": [
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions keyboards/handwired/tenstad/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# tenstad


[tenstad/keyboard]( - hand-soldered ergonomic split 3x6 keyboard with 5 thumb keys

* Keyboard Maintainer: [Amund Tenstad](
* Hardware Supported: RP2040 Zero
* Hardware Availability: [List of Parts]( from [AliExpress](

Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):

make handwired/tenstad:default

Flashing example for this keyboard:

make handwired/tenstad:default:flash

See the [build environment setup]( and the [make instructions]( for more information. Brand new to QMK? Start with our [Complete Newbs Guide](
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions keyboards/herevoland/buff75/keyboard.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
"keyboard_name": "Buff75",
"processor": "STM32F103",
"bootloader": "stm32duino",
"manufacturer": "HereVoLand",
"url": "",
"maintainer": "Here VoLand @Vem",
"usb": {
"vid": "0xB727",
"pid": "0xB727",
"device_version": "0.0.1"
"features": {
"bootmagic": true,
"mousekey": true,
"extrakey": true,
"nkro": true,
"rgblight": true
"rgblight": {
"led_count": 1,
"brightness_steps": 8,
"saturation_steps": 8,
"sleep": true,
"animations": {
"breathing": true,
"rainbow_mood": true,
"rainbow_swirl": true,
"snake": true,
"knight": true,
"christmas": true,
"static_gradient": true,
"alternating": true,
"twinkle": true
"ws2812": {
"pin": "B2"
"diode_direction": "COL2ROW",
"matrix_pins": {
"cols": ["B9", "B8", "B7", "B6", "B5", "B4", "B3", "A15", "A8", "B15", "B14", "B13", "B12", "A3", "A4" ],
"rows": ["A5", "B10", "B1", "B0", "A7", "A6"]
"layouts": {
"layout": [
{"label":"Esc", "matrix": [0,0], "x":0, "y":0},
{"label":"F1", "matrix": [0,1], "x":1.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F2", "matrix": [0,2], "x":2.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F3", "matrix": [0,3], "x":3.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F4", "matrix": [0,4], "x":4.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F5", "matrix": [0,6], "x":6, "y":0},
{"label":"F6", "matrix": [0,7], "x":7, "y":0},
{"label":"F7", "matrix": [0,8], "x":8, "y":0},
{"label":"F8", "matrix": [0,9], "x":9, "y":0},
{"label":"F9", "matrix": [0,10], "x":10.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F10", "matrix": [0,11], "x":11.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F11", "matrix": [0,12], "x":12.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F12", "matrix": [0,13], "x":13.5, "y":0},
{"label":"Home", "matrix": [0,14], "x":15, "y":0},

{"label":"`~", "matrix": [1,0], "x":0, "y":1.25},
{"label":"1!", "matrix": [1,1], "x":1, "y":1.25},
{"label":"2@", "matrix": [1,2], "x":2, "y":1.25},
{"label":"3#", "matrix": [1,3], "x":3, "y":1.25},
{"label":"4$", "matrix": [1,4], "x":4, "y":1.25},
{"label":"5%", "matrix": [1,5], "x":5, "y":1.25},
{"label":"6^", "matrix": [1,6], "x":6, "y":1.25},
{"label":"7&", "matrix": [1,7], "x":7, "y":1.25},
{"label":"8*", "matrix": [1,8], "x":8, "y":1.25},
{"label":"9(", "matrix": [1,9], "x":9, "y":1.25},
{"label":"0)", "matrix": [1,10], "x":10, "y":1.25},
{"label":"-_", "matrix": [1,11], "x":11, "y":1.25},
{"label":"=+", "matrix": [1,12], "x":12, "y":1.25},
{"label":"Backspace", "matrix": [1,13], "x":13, "y":1.25},
{"label":"Page Up", "matrix": [1,14], "x":15, "y":1.25},

{"label":"Tab", "matrix": [2,0], "x":0, "y":2.25, "w":1.5},
{"label":"Q", "matrix": [2,1], "x":1.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"W", "matrix": [2,2], "x":2.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"E", "matrix": [2,3], "x":3.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"R", "matrix": [2,4], "x":4.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"T", "matrix": [2,5], "x":5.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"Y", "matrix": [2,6], "x":6.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"U", "matrix": [2,7], "x":7.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"I", "matrix": [2,8], "x":8.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"O", "matrix": [2,9], "x":9.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"P", "matrix": [2,10], "x":10.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"[", "matrix": [2,11], "x":11.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"]", "matrix": [2,12], "x":12.5, "y":2.25},
{"label":"\\", "matrix": [2,13], "x":13.5, "y":2.25, "w":1.5},
{"label":"Page Down", "matrix": [2,14], "x":15, "y":2.25},

{"label":"Caps Lock", "matrix": [3,0], "x":0, "y":3.25, "w":1.75},
{"label":"A", "matrix": [3,1], "x":1.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":"S", "matrix": [3,2], "x":2.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":"D", "matrix": [3,3], "x":3.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":"F", "matrix": [3,4], "x":4.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":"G", "matrix": [3,5], "x":5.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":"H", "matrix": [3,6], "x":6.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":"J", "matrix": [3,7], "x":7.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":"K", "matrix": [3,8], "x":8.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":"L", "matrix": [3,9], "x":9.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":";", "matrix": [3,10], "x":10.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":"'", "matrix": [3,11], "x":11.75, "y":3.25},
{"label":"Enter", "matrix": [3,13], "x":12.75, "y":3.25, "w":2.25},
{"label":"End", "matrix": [3,14], "x":15, "y":3.25},

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{"label":"Z", "matrix": [4,2], "x":2.25, "y":4.25},
{"label":"X", "matrix": [4,3], "x":3.25, "y":4.25},
{"label":"C", "matrix": [4,4], "x":4.25, "y":4.25},
{"label":"V", "matrix": [4,5], "x":5.25, "y":4.25},
{"label":"B", "matrix": [4,6], "x":6.25, "y":4.25},
{"label":"N", "matrix": [4,7], "x":7.25, "y":4.25},
{"label":"M", "matrix": [4,8], "x":8.25, "y":4.25},
{"label":",", "matrix": [4,9], "x":9.25, "y":4.25},
{"label":".", "matrix": [4,10], "x":10.25, "y":4.25},
{"label":"/", "matrix": [4,11], "x":11.25, "y":4.25},
{"label":"Shift", "matrix": [4,12], "x":12.25, "y":4.25, "w":1.75},
{"label":"Up", "matrix": [4,13], "x":14, "y":4.25},
{"label":"End", "matrix": [4,14], "x":15, "y":4.25},

{"label":"Ctrl", "matrix": [5,0], "x":0, "y":5.25, "w":1.25},
{"label":"Win", "matrix": [5,1], "x":1.25, "y":5.25, "w":1.25},
{"label":"Alt", "matrix": [5,2], "x":2.5, "y":5.25, "w":1.25},
{"label":"Space", "matrix": [5,6], "x":3.75, "y":5.25, "w":6.25},
{"label":"Alt", "matrix": [5,10], "x":10, "y":5.25, "w":1.25},
{"label":"Fn", "matrix": [5,11], "x":11.25, "y":5.25, "w":1.25},
{"label":"Left", "matrix": [5,12], "x":13, "y":5.25},
{"label":"Down", "matrix": [5,13], "x":14, "y":5.25},
{"label":"Right", "matrix": [5,14], "x":15, "y":5.25}

0 comments on commit 7f66200

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