i-CD Rental Website (Simple) builded Apr2016 for Website and Database Programming (Course Project)
Demo : https://wishihab.github.io/CD-Rent-Website/interface/ Original Interface : https://github.com/labirin/UI-ICDdianying
- Goes Tri Yadi (Coding) https://github.com/goestriyadi
- Jerrel Gianni Sondjaja (Coding) https://github.com/RRREEEIII
- Muhammad Alwi Shihab (Security+Coding) https://github.com/wishihab/
- M. Shabirin (Design Interface) https://github.com/labirin
- Rahmadhika (Database SQL) https://github.com/lancestrom
This is a simple website project by FangshanTeam
- Interface Folder include PHP code of the website
- film.sql SQL file database (we use MariaDB) user : admin pass: alwi user : guest pass: guest
All design or resource taken from open source project.
- Coding use PHP and HTML
- Security user database use MYSQL encrypter PASSWORD('') this can't be decrypt but possible use rainbow table
- Security login protected from cheat sheet
- Database MYSQL
- English and Bahasa Language name file.
There is a lot bug or vuln code.
Our university :
- Nanjing Xiaozhuang University in China, Fangshan Nanjing
- Esa Unggul University in Indonesia, Kebon Jeruk Jakarta