The most lightweight, decentralized, configurable machine (< 300 lines of code)
To create the smallest foundation for a decentralized machine (following the same methods as the primary Kunta ( protocol)
- Each node is broker and Client
- Execute Isolated VM calls on conditions both set by config, and set by interactive
- compute on peer
- compute on message
- compute on etc
Static Variable and Dynamic Variables
Push Object to VM, hash object, send across topics
each connection can be a topic, or topics can be dedicated for specific uses
update each topic everytime current hash changes
TODO: document security auditing/pentesting
computation can be written in native JS
- Mosca
- MQTT (abstracts network layer)
- vm (abstract virtual machine layer)
node dual.js [listener] [computation] [peer]
node Protocol.js 1883 "console.log(fs);" 1883
node Protocol.js 1884 "sb.a = sb.a + 10 ;" 1883 --as-peer
- hash source code for version
- write blocks sequentially, not just if it is higher index than local copy
- document security by design
- finish first round of pentesting prior to release 0