Serves tiles directly from raw OSM files using the rendering functionality of OsmSharp. Handles for now only sub-country or city-sized OSM-extracts because all data is kept in-memory. Support will be added for vector data files in the future.
Pull this repository, build and run the sample project or the selfhost project. An example configuration file is preloaded but you should be able to customize it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="TileApiConfiguration" type="OsmSharp.Service.Tiles.Configurations.TileApiConfiguration,
<!--A simple instance loading raw osm-data from a pbf file.-->
<!--Check http://localhost:1234/tiles_{name}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png after starting.-->
<add name="{name}" data="/path/to/osm-file.osm.pbf" format="osm-pbf" mapcss="path/to/mapcss-file.mapcss"/>